New Moon in Cancer 29 June 2022 – by Flavia

There will be pain, there will be magic, but, this is a one way street heading towards goals and achievements with unbounded potential. So how does that work out? A new cycle is beginning focused around family and familiar interests as Sun and Moon meet in Cancer. It is the new moon happening on 29 June, 2022, taking place at 07 degrees and 22 minutes of Cancer, and at 02:52 GMT.

At the inception of the new moon we have the 3 of Swords. Not an easy situation to come to terms with. A clear message that cutting and hurting is at the basis of our condition of what is familiar, intimate, nostalgic. It goes straight to the heart. This powerful energy will be carried through the entire cycle, as it is tied in with events and our emotional connection to them, which progressively will culminate in the full moon in Cancer six months later. So this is only the beginning. The next weeks and months will hold this energy of strife, pain and conflict. It is bloody. And pain is unavoidable. But it is there to tell us that something is wrong. Pain is not nice, yet, it is an ally. It is saying: no, don’t do this will hurt, damage, harm you. A guiding principle. A forewarning to inflicting a detrimental outcome to the self, the environment, an object of affection, a scheme or project. We better heed that message.

The 3 of Swords puts practical deeds as well as thoughts, concepts or decision making in the sphere of potential for hurt. Astrologically, we have amplified, and intense energies with Sun and Moon in Cancer, squaring Jupiter in masculine Aries. The ever powerful giver of law and abundance is in conflict with emotional intelligence and personal vulnerability in a very impulsive and assertive way. Strife and violence with a dominant masculine ideology or theory behind it, will inflame the landscape we are operating in. Energies are big and hot, from within and from without, as they work in both ways. They are coming at us, and they are embodied within us.

Egos are large with the 6 of Wands while they carry forward the conversation of the 3 of Swords. We are seeking recognition, admiration, esteem, as we are riding high on emotions and personal pursuits. We want that crown of laurels. As we work our way through Cancer season, it is important that acclaim and recognition crown our achievements. It is important to us that our pain and struggles are recognised for everyone to see. These are energies that come out in the open from the heart. Healing will come with practical demonstrations of victory. Success must be seen to be believed.

Ultimately, the Magician is there for us. We have immense, dissolving, illusionist Neptune, in watery Pisces, harmonising with subterranean underworld ruler Pluto, in materialistic Capricorn. Events will just overwhelm us. The need to safeguard and protect our closest and most valued aspects of our familiar environment will lead to glory. Ambitions driving events are bigger than life. But a reminder that this is an alchemical new moon. It holds the energy to transform everything into gold. We have to keep all our potions and tools ready. Keep our to-do-lists organised for the future. Clean our home and lighten up our domestic environment on our way to healing the heart from pain and hurt. There is hope for something unimaginably better that we can dream of. The magician is us. We hold that power. The tools are there. And the Gods are watching over us.
