Where is your heart? Jupiter in Aries & Saturn retrograde in Aquarius 16 June 2022 – by Mirasol

Our card for this week is Happily ever after from Healing with the fairies oracle cards. In the image we see a woman wearing a royal blue dress and a golden crown, there is an unicorn by her side, both looking into the horizon. Three fairies with pink-orange glowing wings are flying in the air by the trees. A gnome with a green hat, red clothes and a blue backpack is standing at the bottom left side of the image. Pale pink and peach coloured mushrooms grow at the centre, between the gnome and the woman. The trees create a beautiful frame to the landscape scenery of green grass, blue sky, faraway hills and the meandering river.

The message of the card is telling us of an happy outcome, all our worries will vanish and you will get your wish come true. Now is a magical time to believe in the impossible and to find joy in the happiness of why we are here. Release all tension and anxiety and know that you will be in a different and more happier existence very shortly. Fairytales do come true, and all obstacles will vanish in the process.

Astrologically we have just passed the full moon in Sagittarius 14 June, described by Flavia here, which lit up our urge to learn, connect and travel. Jupiter is in Aries from 10 May until 27/28 October, while Saturn our stern manager is retrograde in Aquarius until 23 October. Utilise this time to look deeply into your personal Happily ever after. What makes you tick and what makes you untick? Balance the opposites and create space for your heart’s desire. Jupiter in Aries will ignite action. Mentally, spiritually and physically, the expansive fire energy will help you to find that passionate spark of action and love of life, which may have been lacking for a while. Meanwhile, Saturn will cleanse your karmic ties and show you that lessons are well-learned, and earned, not in an anxious manner but in a mature and considerate way, and accepting these teachings, we continue on our path as more fulfilled humans.

Our crystal helper this week is the delicate and sweet pink aura quartz, a platinum, silver- or gold plated quartz, it provides subtle healing energy which penetrates through the layers of the heart. Working with pink aura quartz can release and heal heart afflicted wounds which have been buried for many years. It offers an all-empowering cleanse of the heart on all levels. Pink aura quartz will help in the manifestation of the Happily ever after, especially if the intentions are true and sincere.

Meditation to journey into your Happily ever after

In this meditation we will journey into forest to find your own Happily ever after. For this meditation, lie down in a comfortable and quiet place. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Imagine that you are standing in a lush forest, where there are many kinds of trees and bushes, such as birch, pine, oak, maple, lilac, redcurrants and hawthorn. One of the trees or bushes is calling you to come near and you go to where you are called and decide to sit down underneath it for a while. You feel the tree bark or the bushes leaves against your back and it feels comfortable and supportive. You gaze up into the tree crown or the bushes foliage and sense a feeling of peace and deep love. Taking a deep breath you relax and feel safe and you rest your head against the tree or bush.

Then you see you small figure emerging from the forest. It is a small gnome, he is wearing a green hat with a yellow feather and red clothes. He comes to stand in front of you and offers you a small parcel. You accept the parcel and open it. Inside it is a white sparkly notebook and a violet pen. The gnome tells you that this journal is for you to write your Happily ever after in. You thank the gnome and start writing your wishes into the journal, and you might feel a tear or two running down your cheeks as the heart-filled wishes are recorded into the journal. When you feel that you have finished writing for now, you decide to close your eyes and contemplate on your wishes and how wonderful that they really will come true.

After a while you start to feel a beautiful pink energy, the colour of pink aura quartz, entering your crown chakra and gently cleansing and balancing this area. You feel the pink energy travelling down to your third eye, continuing to the throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus, your sacral chakra, root chakra, then the knees and the feet, and continuing downwards and connecting to mother earth. The soothing and beautiful pink energy is embracing you in a cocoon of soft love. You decide to stay in this energy to replenish your energy and strengthening your soul. After a while you feel that the iridescent pink energy is disappearing and you feel you are back in the present moment. Take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes. Say thank you for the messages and the healing received.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

How can you nurture your Happily ever after?

What can you release to create space for your wishes?

You can repeat this meditation anytime you feel you want to find your Happily ever after or reinforce an existing one.
