New Moon Gemini 30 May 2022 – by Flavia

The questions and answers have arrived. The specifics are here. And now we can start our problem solving work. We have a new moon on 30 May, 2022, taking place at 09 degrees and 03 minutes of Gemini, and at 11:30 GMT. It’s a new moon in Gemini complete with its ruler Mercury in retrograde. It is a revisiting new moon looking at a bigger picture with gusto in its connection by sextile to both Mars and Jupiter in Aries. We are not out of the eclipse season entirely, but its intensity is waning, and we can breath the fresh air of Gemini. It’s the air of youth and rejuvenation.

The Gemini new moon is talkative and will announce the coming of summer. It will go back and forth in terms of weather and mood, as we shall too in the sublunar sphere. Spring is transformed and left behind. We transition into the certainty of a more nurturing environment in the physical and symbolic dimension. Summer is coming. The ruler of the new moon, Mercury, is harmonising with his adversary grand Jupiter. It is all about knowledge, learning, information, communication and indeed, communities and the importance of the larger world stage.

It does not matter which deck I use, The World card comes up again and again in this reading as a concluding, all encompassing, framework. We are constantly reminded that the global picture affects us all. Global events and their transformative powers are unavoidable, wherever we are in the planet, physically, or on the personal journey, metaphorically. We are not allowed to forget that the storyline is a continuation from the full moon in Scorpio. There is wholeness and completion. The influence of last month’s eclipses cast a long shadow. Whatever was lost or gained affects us still today.

Given that the eclipse axis falls in earthy Taurus and watery Scorpio (through to late 2023), we have fertile ground for future growth, including some clearing out and reconfiguring deep seated emotional states. Pay attention to your calling at the present time. Saturn is powerfully positioned in its domicile of Aquarius in trine aspect to Gemini new moon, and will give longevity to plans and tactics. The World card picks up where we left off, and takes it into the future bringing to the foreground the circular nature of life. Constant change, probably of cosmic proportions, is not necessarily linear. It will not help us if we think of it that way. It is a circle without beginning or end. A sense of fulfilment and accomplishment will bring new challenges and new information. Accomplishments can be greater than we ever thought were possible and so are our responsibilities. No doubt about this. And just in case we were in doubt, here’s The Judgment card to give us the heads up. With The Judgement card, we are awaken to everything that the world has to offer. We are doing what it takes in the knowledge that we are protected by the Eagle, the Bull, the Person and the Lion. It is our spirit, our sacrifice, our humanity and our leadership inherent within us that is the greatest protection, as well as our connection to each other. And we are joyful. The card shows the whole family rejoicing.

This new moon will start giving us some clarity of past events (we see a King of Rods – the authority of practical action – looking backwards in the spread) and a new understanding of how to solve problems and deal with them for future success. The Judgment card is unequivocal in this. It announces breakthroughs and epiphanies. And it is on a circular motion. We solve one thing to create another that needs attending to. So we have to let the plan develop. Not try to do everything at the same time and go all over the place. We do not, therefore, need to worry about our destination right now. We are at the moment of planning, of keeping focused, of implementing, of looking at options and ideas, and deciding on the best course of action without distraction.

How we get here? Certainly not through sitting around. We are having to fight for our ideas. We just can not wait, or even expect, for everyone to be on board with what we have in mind. But we have to go ahead and push our projects forwards regardless. Depending on each of our charts we might encounter opposition or face limitations from family, partners, colleagues, higher authority figures or even our own habits and fears. We should not indulge in any of that. We are here to fight. That’s what the astrology says and that is what the cards announce. The King of Rods is a goal oriented powerful leader that is not afraid to use aggression together with wisdom to manifest. Our drive is in our values and we are told to take full charge of our potential.

This is a lucky, beneficial new moon, bringing new ideas and optimism about our situation. We are helped to find solutions to our problems that will come suddenly and unexpectedly. Our positive outlook and energy will be a great contributing factor to our success. We will be dealing with the minute details but the larger picture will not escape us either.

Our decision making powers are strengthened in this lunation – the first new moon in Gemini in two years that it’s not an eclipse. This is useful to know. We have dealt with what needed dealing with already and do not need to judge ourselves or judge others. That is not our business. Mental gymnastics should be avoided at all costs. Venus, Mars, soon Mercury, and Saturn are in their home signs. They may not be in the best of terms between each-other, all of this time, but they are feeling comfortable in the themselves, with access to the right tools to provide us with whatever resources we need, according to their positioned in our chart. The World reminds us now to go bigger than life, and to expect surprises and change at every turn. In fact, we are being advised to take advantage of this while the wheel is turning. Moreover, we are reminded of the importance of following our calling with the Judgement card. And at the same time, not to be afraid to express ourselves in the loudest way including through confrontation with others. The King of Rods would not have it any other way. We are still looking back and in, but we are surely on the road to completing a higher purpose, with ideals, with tools and with spirit.
