Full Moon Scorpio 15/16 May 2022 – by Flavia

If we haven’t heard enough of the word intensity, cathartic or purging, well, this is our chance to hear it now with the lunar eclipse in Scorpio. And moreover, our chance to experience all of the above and beyond. This will happen on 15-16th May, 2022, with the full moon taking place at 25 degrees and 17 minutes of Scorpio, and at 04:13 GMT.

Quite rightly it will encompass the whole world, so it’s appropriate that the World card jumped out of the pack. Make no mistake this is huge. Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto, and they both have a lot to say as rulers of this lunation. It’s a power meets action configuration, enhanced and intensified by the eclipse. Pluto is finishing off business in Capricorn, where he feels pretty empowered and secure. But going retrograde, he’s pulling in resources and strategising. So he’s working even more under the radar than normal. Everything of value, in symbol and in fact, seems to be going on underground. Mars on the other hand is relatively strong – as he has triplicity – in Pisces, yet, action dispersed. In addition, next to Neptune, he cant help but being swept away by too much confusion, illusion and dreamwork. Mars knows himself/herself with confidence, but the vast Neptunian landscape means there is too much going on to be able to focus resources in a specific way. However, Venus, who is already in Aries, is preparing the ground for him to act decisively, forcefully and with passion towards goals, once he too enters Aries in few days time.

Once that happens the speed of events will take us over. So the World tells us that we are at a point of change of cosmic proportions. With the full moon things are culminating, and whatever is in the process of happening with erupt finally and terminally. It will purge us of anything we have been holding on to that is poisonous and toxic. Fear, anxiety and paranoia will surface and demand action. Resistance is futile. A new order is in the making and we are all going to be involved, whether voluntarily or not. With a square of Saturn from Aquarius to the full moon in Scorpio, the obstacles and negations to our projects will hit us at a societal level. The group dynamic in fixed signs is at a breaking point. In a mutable sign it can bend. In the Scorpio-Taurus axis squaring Aquarius things are cold and hard because of its fixity, and if success is not forthcoming, tend to break under pressure to win. The Scorpio cathartic influence will find us wherever we are in the collective. And, ultimately, the 6 of Swords will take us somewhere else. These are not happy days.

But they are days of blind Justice. Things are happening for a reason. As the sword and scales of Justice dominate, it will be unemotional and brutal, pure and clean. All feelings will vanish or weaken as planets move into Aries and Gemini next month. Logic and action will start to take shape regardless. Jupiter is already in Aries initiating Justice.

So the emotional intensity and depth of feeling of the Scorpionic energy we are experiencing during the lunar eclipse, is working to our advantage to clear out debris, and purify everything inside and out. The 6 of Swords is a card that talks about the future, mostly, in a positive way, but it is not without sadness for loss, and, more importantly, for memories, for the past, and for nostalgia. We are headed for an uncertain future. Tellingly, the 6 of Swords are placed in the spread in the future position. We might not be looking back, and someone else is rowing the boat, so we are being taken care of, but, emotionally, we are drained. This is indeed a nostalgic and secretive full moon. But the Just outcome is to let go, as the Justice card sits in the middle of the spread and dominates the narrative. It is a reminder of inevitability. But also, that in all the turmoil, we have what it takes. We don’t need specific answers to particular problems for now. We need belief and faith in ourselves and in others. Belief in the process. And we need to follow our destiny wherever it leads, without bitterness or regret. We are love, and looking ahead of this transit, we will attract the resources and tools we need to create a new abundance and fulfil our desires. For now, we are illuminating the darkness, purging and getting rid of anything that contaminates or corrupts, in a cathartic process that aims to make us stronger physically, purer in intention and lighter in spirit.
