Water deities rising: Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces, 12 April 2022 – by Mirasol

The card for our journey this week is Laguz from The Rune Vision Cards. The card shows an image of Njord, the Norse God of the sea, who also oversees the plants growing at the shore and the safe passage of sea-farers. He is depicted naked, sitting calmly in his domain of the sea, holding an axe in his left hand, and his hair adorned with a wraith of shells and seaweed. There is a seagull and two seals in front of him, a mother and pup, and a branch of willow to the left of him. The sea God Njord also controls fire, which makes him a perfect guide for the Aries season, he is capable of balancing the rapid moving ram’s energy with water, helping to calm down our nervous system. His skills are supportive in embracing our emotional masculine side, raising its vibration and forming a new energetic way which makes us strong without depleting our feminine powers.

The rune Laguz symbolises water, psychic powers, intuition, the soul, emotions and the moon. It brings a message of working with our limitations, and to understand that not everything needs to be forced. Utilising water energy to soften any unnecessary protective shells we may have built up and instead opening up our feminine and masculine receptivity will increase the miracles of manifestation.

The astrological element of water is strong during Jupiter and Neptune’s meeting 12 April. This brings together deep healing and forgotten realisations, and expands the dream-world and the subconscious field. Going deep into an alternate reality may provide relief from the drastic events occurring in the world at the present. This time of rest will provide wisdom and a desire for action when we finally emerge from the planetary Piscean dream-conjunction.

With the arrival of the full moon in Libra 16 April, we may first still feel submerged in the Piscean water sphere, and then within a few hours we release and emerge with the rising full moon to rejoice at rapid changes and realisations. During this astrological transit, Ocean Jasper, a translucent pale green-blue crystal, will help us to release and heal the watery realms of the Pisces, calm the Aries fire and balance the Libra air. Ocean Jasper has a calming and gentle releasing effect on our body, mind and soul. It asks us to slow down and to give ourselves, and also others around us, space for healing. Ocean Jasper is connected to innocence, blissful past lives and with feeling comfortable in our own skin. The water association of Ocean jasper will help us to release old emotional wounding, and letting these release in their own time allows time and space for profound and transformational healing.

Meditation – journey with your sacred masculine

For this meditation, lie down in a comfortable and quiet place. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Imagine that you are standing at the shore by the deep blue-green sea in a sacred place in northern Europe. There is a fresh breeze in the air and you may feel a slight chill to the bones. Standing at the shore you see a boat approaching. There is a stunningly handsome man steering the boat to the shore. He is tall, blonde and muscular, and he waves at you to come onboard. You decide to follow his call and you get into the boat, and sit down at the front. The man smiles at you and steers the boat out into the sea. You feel safe in his presence. You sit quietly admiring the disappearing land behind you and then you turn your gaze to the front, onto the alluring horizon and the mystical vastness of the green-blue sea.

The man tells you to lie down in the boat, on a softly woven rug of linen, created in the most beautiful blue colour you have ever seen. You decide to lie down and make yourself comfortable. You close your eyes and feel relaxed, sensing the rhythm of the low waves and the gentle sounds of the boat floating on the water. After a while you start to feel a calming blue-green energy, the colour of Ocean Jasper, entering your heart chakra, and you feel safe and nurtured. You feel the green-blue energy travelling down to your solar plexus, your sacral chakra, root chakra, the knees and the feet, cleansing and balancing each area as the energy progressively enters your body. Then the blue-green energy rises up from your heart chakra to your throat chakra, your third eye and your crown chakra, nurturing each point as it travels along, and then the green-blue energy rises above, to the great cosmic mother in the sky, and you feel your third eye awakening.

You feel the man’s presence close to you. He is holding your hands and you feel very calm and comfortable. Realising this is the Sea God Njord you feel safe and grounded. You stay in his nurturing energy for a while, sensing healing changes in your body, soul and mind. If you wish, you can ask Njord a question and wait patiently to hear his wise answer to your query.

After a while you feel that the blue-green energy is starting to disappear and you feel that you are back in the present moment. Take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes. Say thank you for the messages and the healing received.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

How does the sacred masculine feel to you?

What can you do to honour the God within you?

You can repeat this meditation anytime you feel you want to awaken the sacred masculine side of you.
