New Moon in Aries 1 April 2022 – by Flavia

It’s the beginning of a new astrological year with portal fire energy, oceanic abundance of emotions, and a self confidence that defies all conformity. Start something on your own, make an intention of success, allow your emotions to wash over you, let the details take care of themselves, and, generally, just go for it. The initiation happens with the new moon in Aries, the first sign of the astrological wheel. The cardinal fire sign of the self. The new moon happens at 11 degrees and 30 minutes of Aries, on the 1st of April, 2022, and at 6:24am GUT. Welcome to a massive opening of optimism with Jupiter on the way to conjunct Neptune in Pisces, and with Venus cruising towards them and joining in later on in the month. Fast energy is all around with every planet in forward motion. Plan big. Plan with self confidence. Plan with inspiration. You can go it alone or with others. While Aries likes the beat of his/her own drum above all else, there’s a lot of planetary energy still in Aquarius and Pisces, which tells me others still exert influence over Aries matters, and that the collective remains relevant in personal affairs.

But we are at a portal. There is no doubt about that. And we are going through. The colours are warm. It is spring time. Nothing is stopping us. The 2 of Wands holds the promise of having the world in our hands. It is fire energy, and it is initiatory energy. We are at a starting point where something is about to emerge, yet it hasn’t happened. Even though the figure looks like is going backwards, or is looking to the past, this is undeniably a card of new projects, new activities, and new adventures, which are aligned with the natural world and which the natural world supports. This is not just dreamwork, there is a lot of physicality to it.

Because there are so many planets in Aquarius and Pisces, plus there is Pluto in Capricorn (the three last signs of the zodiac), we are clearly seeing that we are not totally liberated from the past. Consecutive squares forming between the planets in Aquarius to Uranus in Taurus, pressure us to take action upon ideas and ideals, and to take the initiative among the collective. There’s still a lot of finishing off business to conduct. And the 2 of Wands cations us about that aspect. That while we are grasping the world in our hands as we go through the portal, we are not ready to let go of old dreams and wishes, old authorities, and old life structures that have held us together. They remain at this point current and purposeful. And perhaps it’s to our advantage that we do not disregard them. The fire energy is burning bright one way or another to energise us into leadership, as sun and moon conjunct in Aries.

And so is the abundance of feeling. We are flooded with emotion, and it’s a creative and joyful time. We have to never forget how much love we have inside us, and that generosity surrounds us from within and from without. It will save us and it will save others. All goodness, is double goodness when it’s shared. Contrary to material items, or stuck perceptions, when emotions are shared they multiply. Both as an advice and as a prophecy, with the Queen of Cups, we are reminded that whatever we start now, however we find ourselves crossing the portal, when we harmonise in partnership the self comes out winner. The Queen of Cups is in full possession of her own feelings, and has total and absolute confidence in her emotional world. She has the authority and the power. We are her. We can lead with Aries self knowledge and bring others with us. It is a marvellous time to do exactly that.

What better confirmation that we are on the right path than the Emperor, as he stands full of pride and self assurance, dominating multiple worlds, planning, building, organising, acquiring, producing, manifesting and, in general, projecting his vision into the future. The Emperor, just like Aries, is head energy, solid and autonomous. He creates his own world. And he demands that we take notice. He is the authority, just like the Queen of Cups, but his controlling powers are much more overt and can be intimidating. There is always, with the Emperor, a tinge of violence and an allusion, an indirect reference, to resource wealth, above and beyond the ordinary. He lives by his own standards. The Emperor gets what he wants, so that this can be volatile energy as well. As we are at this initiating moment in the year, for relationships, for projects, for plans and for self realisation, a lot can be promised and a lot can be achieved, but there’s going to be stresses, a fight for supremacy and a multiplicity of conflicting needs. Everything tells us that at this point we are taking charge of our own destiny.

As we go through the portal of the new astrological year on the 1st of April, during the new moon in Aries, we look to the past for stability, we draw strength from our emotional world, and we move head on, uncompromising, and full of excitement and enthusiasm for the future.
