Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 16 December 2021

Paravati and Lady Nada from the Ascended Masters Oracle Deck guide us through this week. In the cards we see the beautiful images of Paravati and Lady Nada, each of them expressing a sense of content, joy and wisdom. Paravati, the Hindu Goddess of marriage, mountains and households is depicted wearing a red sari and golden jewellery, and behind her we see a sacred wheel. In the second card we see Lady Nada, an ascended master who works with St. Germain and Archangel Michael,. She is painted holding two roses, wearing a white dress and golden and silver jewellery, and with a golden and pale pink halo around her head.

These powerful and wise women each come with a particular message. Paravati brings a message of positive change and she assures us that we are making the correct changes which will let us move along and welcome peace into our lives. While Lady Nada encompasses all of what it means to be a woman, she is the sister, the mother, the daughter and the wife. She comes with a message of balance and of knowing how to utilise her feminine powers, without any underlying manipulative thoughts, or plans of action. Her name means the void of silence and she helps us to become empty in order to receive the best. She heals our relationships with other women so that we can see them for what they truly are, the good with the bad. Both Paravati and Lady Nada herald marriage, so as we move into the last two weeks of the year, we may find ourselves bonding with our own female and masculine sides and feeling more wise in the process.

We are in the last week of the Sagittarius season and the archer is supporting our quest to change, learn and lead a more positive and truthful life. The joyful archer reminds us of our birth-right to experience love and freedom, and directs us to activities which may show us a more fun future ahead. All of these sparks are connected to the full moon in Gemini on Sunday 19 December, as explained by Flavia here. This moon will heal anything unleft which arose at the new moon in Gemini in June earlier this year and as by miracles it will make us believe that change is truly possible.

Meditation with Paravati and Lady Nada

Try this meditation with Paravati and Lady Nada.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the the images of the two women. Note how Paravati is holding her sari away from her beautiful face. Her smile is shy and confident, her eyes focused to her left, as if having one last look before leaving the past behind. The fire behind the wheel, at the very back of the card, is affirming that transformation is occurring. Then observe how Lady Nada is looking straight at you, with a gentle smile and a calming vibration, she reminds you of all the joys of being a woman. Her halo is emanating a golden and pale pink sheen, and she is holding her hands over her heart, both as an invitation and protection, knowing that we need both as we proceed on our path.

Choose your focus point in either one of the cards, take a deep breath and relax, and connect to your chosen image and stay still.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

Which one of the Goddesses is calling you?

How can you work closely with this Goddess to help you further on your path?

Additional practice – positive energy charge with Angel Aura Quartz

In this week’s additional practice we will work with Angel Aura Quartz, which is made by applying heat and a coating of Platinum and Silver on clear quartz, creating a beautiful rainbow sheen. Angel Aura Quartz is named after its´ iridescent colour, resembling gossamer angel wings. It has a loving energy and elevates the mood and helps to bring out our inner beauty and to recognise the beauty in our surrounding nature. Angel Aura Quartz helps to calm anxiety, phobias and panic attacks. It helps to cleanse the chakras with high vibrational energy and aligns all the chakras so that we feel balanced. Since Angel Aura Quartz holds a high vibration and connects to the divine realm, it is helpful when feeling overwhelmed, so that we can release excess energy. It also supports compassion, optimism and empathy, helps us with creativity, and in making clear and intelligent decisions. We can use Angel Aura Quartz to reach a peaceful mind and to become open to new ideas and concepts. It can guide our spiritual transformation by showing us that we are worthy of deep love and acceptance, and that we can heal from traumas in previous incarnations. Angel Aura Quartz is a wonderful crystal to meditate with when wishing to manifest more positive energy into your daily life.

For this meditation, lie down in a comfortable and quiet place and put the Angel Aura Quartz on your higher heart chakra, which is the gateway to the heart, located at the sternum, just above your heart chakra. Take a few deep breaths and relax, release any tension or stress held in your body and know that you are supported and protected by your guardians.

Imagine that you are standing at the top of a very high mountain, on a flat plateaux, where there are a few lush green trees. You can see a beautiful view of the ocean down below, and the horizon is very clear. You start walking and you notice that the daylight is quickly vanishing into dusk and then to night. You decide to lie down by one of the trees and have a rest. You look up into the night sky through the branches of the trees, and observe how the dark blue sky is filled with sparkling stars. Closing your eyes, you relax and feel the calming earth beneath you. Then, you feel a sparkling rainbow light entering your higher heart chakra. It makes you feel elevated and joyful. The rainbow energy sits at your higher heart for a while and then it starts travelling down to your heart chakra, your, solar plexus, the sacral chakra, the root, the knees and then the feet, where the energy grounds you. Then the rainbow energy starts to go up from your higher heart to the throat chakra, the third eye, and the crown chakra and reaches above and outside of you, and travels into the night sky. You feel content and balanced as the energy of Angel Aura Quartz is connecting all your chakras. Lie in this healing energy for a while. And if you wish, ask the Angel Aura Quartz a question and wait for the answer to appear, as an image, word or sound, or perhaps as a scent.

When you have received your answer you can slowly open your eyes and come back to the present. Take a deep breath and offer your gratitude to Angel Aura Quartz and its’ healing. You can repeat this meditation anytime you feel you want to invigorate your body, mind and soul with new and positive energy.
