Full Moon in Gemini 19 December 2021 – by Flavia

The mental and the emotional take centre stage. We will be overcome by feelings and emotions, our minds will be working overtime. Illusion and disillusion are all part of the game as much as conflicting ideas that will flood our being. All in all we are changing the rules of the game drawing on every sense and every force. And the universe is conspiring with us.

The Full Moon is happening in Gemini, on the 19th December, 2021, at 27 degrees and 29 minutes, and at 04:37 am GMT. With that the cycle is closing. From now on and until the 2nd of January, 2022, the moon will be waning. The moon power will be diminishing to give us time to process feelings and events that are culminating with the full moon. A full moon in late degrees, of the last month in the year, will carry with it, simultaneously, the culmination, and shedding, of the whole year. The entire year of 2021, will be distilled and let go of on the 19th of December. And as the full moon happens so late in the sign of Gemini, we will quickly move into Cancer, and that is a whole different story. A quick moving moon becomes full in a sign representing speed, and that connects to the mind, our decision making, and cerebral activities overall. Feelings will come to the surface but with them logic will cut through to dissect and break down attachments to things we’ve considered beautiful or nurturing. The rational will combat the invisible dimension of life such as beliefs, aspirations, emotions, our dreams and wishes. With Mercury, the ruler of this lunation, in Capricorn, our communication powers are directed towards practical but somewhat ambitious goals. Feelings aside, we want to achieve success. But if we want to get what we want, ironically, we will have to abandon expectations and instead trust the universe.

The Queen of Cups is a powerful indication that Venus is very important in this lunation. While Venus is almost an antithetical force to Mercury, who is the ruler of the Full Moon in Gemini, yet she’s pivotal in everything that takes place. Everything that culminates, all that is ending, and is illuminated, on the 19th December is coloured in a Venusian hue. Because Venus stations to turn retrograde in Capricorn (and stay in the sign for the next two months) just at the Full Moon in Gemini, while Mercury enters Capricorn. And so the Queen of Cups, and everything that we find attractive and lovely, takes centre stage. We are concerned with the things that are dear to us, and that bring us pleasure. With the Queen of Cups our own authenticity is illuminated and put in front view. Creativity, beauty, justice, adornment, relationships become very important in a rather intuitive way. We don’t need facts in order to love, we don’t need rules in order to achieve, we don’t need force in order to conquer. We can find our own way through the guidance of the Queen of Cups, who harmonises and attracts through inner force. She’s the Queen of her realm which is the water element, and as such she represents emotions and feelings. Powerful and confident that we can draw to us the finest of things through visualisation and dreamwork, she’s calm and collected, generous and inspiring. Whatever is emotional can manifest as physical in the real world. And how abundant that is indeed. The Queen of Cups rules over our values. These are not calculations or acquisitions. They are spiritual, and they are sensual.

With the 10 of Cups we are flooded with gifts. This Full Moon, and the first full moon in Gemini in almost two years that is not an eclipse, is getting positive influences from Jupiter. And so optimism and enthusiasm is hitting high notes during this lunation. It is inspiring and it is saying we can have it all, the self fulfilment, the material objects, the good news, the family home, the children and our creative projects, our pets and our reassuring daily routines, the partnerships, our merging with deeper emotions, friendships, careers, higher knowledge, and hopes and wishes. Every cup can be a full cup of happiness. We, certainly, feel we have turned a corner at the culmination of the full moon, for whatever is signifies for us. But with Neptune making a rather angry aspect to it, we have to be conscious that these are cups and not pies in the sky. Quite tellingly, they stand above us, and our nearest and dearest, and they look a bit removed, close and yet away, from us. It’s not an easy call to make which shall it be. The Ten of Cups is normally received as a positive card of rejoicing, bringing news of a happy ending to the story, it signifies success and togetherness, everlasting love and long term bliss, romantic fulfilment in a domestic setting. Certain elements in the card, however, are indicative of a more nostalgic interpretation linked to memory and values that relate to our human experience about the simple things of life. Perhaps a reminder that those everyday ordinary pleasures is what brings genuine happiness. A card that tells us to be happy whatever our circumstances are.

And here comes the Knight of Swords to cut through those emotions with the intellect. He is overactive, youthful, multitasking and unemotional. Our rational mind will give us distance to be able to feel our emotions without getting submerged into them. After all a Mercury in Capricorn, ruler of the full moon in Gemini, can do nothing-more-nothing-less that return us to the simple details of life, the logistical aspect necessary for achievement, the small steps we need to take to reach our goals, the news that bring information to us. There will be rebellious talk and fast moving situations. Be prepared to be hearing voices and feeling restless and agitated. It is all in the game of how the moon culminates, and the year 2021 ends. That makes our ability to access our own instincts and emotions, our creativity and ingenuity, even more valuable than ever before. We’ll have enthusiasm and feel exalted – that everything is possible, we can have it all – but with it there will be so much external noise that cutting through to the truth will remain a challenge. The dangers of feeling inflated and grandiose are real. Events will move fast and possibly out of control. Swords cards will always indicate some sort of hurt or mental anguish. As we are coming closer to the full moon the emphasis will be on movement and action. To overcome nervousness and anxiety we should let our dreams guide us, and we will benefit by keeping anchored to our feelings. They will cut through the illusions and disappointments, better than any knife of logic, to bring us closer to our authentic selves and bring genuine happiness. A dramatic year is culminating in a dramatic fashion.
