Full Moon Taurus 19 November 2021 – by Flavia

Forget comfortably enjoying time with friends over coffee, shopping casually for the odd luxury, eating that delicious piece of cake (gluten free or not), cozying up on fluffy cushions watching a romcom in the evenings, eating pizza on the sofa wearing pi-jays, hugging your loved ones without a care in the world, and having accomplished another easy going daily challenge. All those earthly simple pursuits we’ve learnt to love, and expect, with a full moon in Taurus, are being disrupted. Yes. Perhaps we’re all still able to doing those things – more or less – in some form or another, but don’t be surprised, when, every time we’re easing up, we get a cosmic explosion kicking us out of our comfort. We have a moon transit in Taurus. It’s an eclipse. A big one. And it’s happening right next to Uranus. Uranus does not like taking it easy, or pursuing incremental changes. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes place on the 19th November, 2021, at 08:57 GMT, and at 27 degrees and 14 minutes of Taurus. In addition we’re at a turning point with the nodes changing signs. It hasn’t happened yet. But it’s imminent, and we are all offered a taste of the new flavour: the node axis in Scorpio and Taurus (North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio).

All that Uranian Taurus energy is felt by everyone of us in the form of all sorts of revelations and news bulletin information. Under the Lunar light there is no stability or ease. The material world becomes an ethereal substance. The Star, however, says, we may still shine our truth bright no matter how shocking that might be. The uncovering is stark to see. The culminations, that a full moon normally brings, are surprising, emotional (after all the sun is still in Scorpio), fear inducing (the stars shine at night time), and totally stripping away any doubt or illusion (our depicted figure is nude by all accounts). So take note, is the message. What gets uncovered, what gets spilled, will not go back into the pot, will not be covered by darkness. The facts are here for us to experience and feelings are coming to a head. We can’t pretend now otherwise. And so, something will need to be addressed here. As these eclipses repeat, with the last lunar eclipse in Taurus (27 degrees) on the 20th November, 2002, it might help us think back to that date for clues. How this eclipse will affect us this time round will relate to that earlier cycle, 19 years ago. The specific events and persons will differ, of course. But the themes and emotions would repeat as the eclipses do. They are concerning Taurus related themes in each of our charts. As we see, with The Star card, there is physicality in the metaphysics, and all of our senses are involved: a figure in an outdoors natural landscape, trees and lakes, and a big sky with sparkling stars above. But it’s not comfortable or easy. Eclipses are pivotal moments of intense transformation. Earthly matters, financial issues, aspects to do with sustenance and security in our lives will be touched.

All those aspects of ease and material comforts, physical beauty and harmony, are indeed portrayed by the 9 of Pentacles. They sit right at the heart of the spread. Taurus, a Venus ruled sign, is also the exaltation of the Moon. But the moon, which reflects the Sun, is now eclipsed. The place where we’re going after the simple material pleasures and nourishment, where we want to attract the beautiful things of life, valuing stability and loveliness, where we want to feel secure, and have confidence in our circumstances, all of that, in at least one aspect of life, falls apart or disappoints during this time. It can hurt and bring pain, that the image of self we have created, the image of the beautifully dressed person walking through the abundant gardens of our imagination, full of desirable fruits, the gifts and riches, which reflect our values, or the values we have come to adopt, are now a failing system that require the depths of our powers for us to muster.

The Strength card has appeared regularly, it would seem, in our readings. Statistically, deck are favouring The Strength card where it comes to tell a story or give advice. And with good reason. These are not easy times. These are not easy transits – collectively or personally. We are going to be pulled in two directions and out of our selves, and we will need ourselves to be strong enough to bring us back to what we truly are. Material success or the image of what we value, can take a turn or become combustible during this lunation. And it’s deep, emotional and focused in one subject. We are nourished by inner strength and our determination to succeed, and overcome obstacles and disappointments, comes from within. We can find the determination to fulfil our desires once we can come to terms with external disruptions, and the fact that there is no stability in any real sense, but only change and transformation. There we will find our own truth, that is worth transmitting and fighting for. Ultimately, through hardships and loses, we come out with more resilience and more empowered that we thought we were capable of, in order to find and fulfil those deep emotional connections and earthly beauty we are looking for.
