Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 18 October 2021

This week we will journey with the Ace of Visions from the Enchanted Forest deck. In this card we see a beautiful swan floating in a pool of water, in a lush, green forest. The reflection of the swan in the water is adorned with a necklace and a crown, and there are small stars around the swan double’s head. Small irises grown in the grass along the edge of the water.

The card comes with a message of serenity, compassion, spirituality, kindness and a new way of seeing the world and ourselves. When your life is not in balance, the swan’s graceful presence can help to bring you back on track. Swans are expressive animals and their vocalisation of emotions are noted in combats and at their own death. This indicates that you are safe to express your needs and boundaries, and to claim a space which is entirely yours. Your long-terms dreams can manifest through the magical pool of water, and the swan reminds you that your dream is a wish that the heart makes, thus its’ true nature is pure and noble. In the pool you can also see your true self, the innocent, loving being who is free, open and wise. Further, the irises on the card symbolise the connection between heaven and earth, and shows that wherever we are in our life’s journey, we are always doing our best, and pursuing that which comes naturally to us. Events unfold as they should on the path to the stars.

Libra season is coming to an end soon. The last few days before we enter Scorpio on 23 October might feel unbalanced as the Libran scales try to express their last diplomatic gesture. The full moon in Aries on 20 October, discussed by Flavia here, will further highlight energetic imprints which are healing and will show us a new way to transform to that very person which we really need to be.

Meditation with the Ace of Visions

Try this meditation with the Ace of Visions card.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the the image of the swan. Note how she is floating in stillness, the reflection below her is showing her queenlike qualities. The green colour of the forest is soothing and calming. Sense the peace and the magic of the swan and the reflection of the swan’s twin in the water. Notice how the stars around the swan’s head are forming sparkling patterns. Choose your focus point in the card and relax, connect to your chosen image and stay still.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What is making your feel peaceful at the moment? List any activity, person or dream, who/which make you feel calm and quiet.

Commit to a five minute quiet meditation each day as you wake up, and journal about the practice.

Additional practice – soul soothing with Snowy quartz

In this week’s additional practice we will work with Snowy quartz, a semi-opaque white quartz, also knows as Milky quartz and Quartzite, found in Brazil, USA, and Mexico. Snowy quartz has a gentle and soothing energy and it is also grounding. It asks us to look at the world through the innocent eyes of a child and to realise that the world is full of wonders. Snow quartz has a peaceful energy and can be used to calm down spaces and situations with a lot of unstable energies. It helps with clarity of mind and is useful when studying, and organising every day items. Because it is often found in gold mines, Snow quartz will help to attract prosperity and luck. It can be used for purifying one’s spirituality and with its’ slow healing energy, it allows tensions which are deeply rooted to release as a continuous flow. Snowy quartz connects with the soul’s happiness and innocence and helps us to find our child-like energy after tumultuous or upsetting events.

For this meditation, lie down in a comfortable and quiet place and put the Snowy quartz on your crown chakra. Relax, and take a few deep breaths to release any stress. Feel very calm and supported. Imagine that you are lying on a beach, close to a warm and gentle ocean which is gently lapping its’ waves to the shore. You see the big full moon above you and moon bathe for a while in its’ presence. You feel safe, nurtured and relaxed in your quiet beach cove. You close your eyes and fall into a light sleep. In your relaxed state you feel a bright light, a moon-beam, coming towards you. You feel a bright, cooling energy entering your feet, this sensation is travelling up your feet, your legs and knees, up to the root chakra and to the sacral chakra, the solar plexus, continuing to the heart chakra, throat chakra, the third eye and the crown chakra. The calming white energy is balancing your chakras and it feels very cleansing. You feel that you want to roll over on to your stomach, letting the white energy cleanse and soothe the back of your head, your neck, the back of your shoulders, your spine and back of the legs, all the way down to your feet. Lie in this calming energy for a while. Enjoy the healing vibration of Snowy quartz. If you wish, ask the Snowy quartz a question and wait for the answer to appear, as an image, word or sound, or perhaps as a scent.

Slowly open your eyes and come back to the present. Take a deep breath and say thank you to Snowy quartz and its’ healing powers. You can repeat this meditation anytime you feel you want to soothe your soul and receive a calming cleanse to balance your body, mind and soul.
