Full Moon Aries 20 October 2021 – by Flavia

There is a full moon called Hunter’s Moon, or Sanguine Moon to denote the season or time of year we prepare for winter. It was, historically, associated with hunting and slaughter. This year, in 2021, it is happening on the 20th of October, and it is taking place at 28 degrees of Aries, at 14:57 GMT. As with all full moons, the sun opposes the moon. Now we are at the axis of relationships to ourselves and others. Indeed, our own self-empowerment will culminate impatiently and aggressively as the sun is slipping away from Libra. Conversely, knowing the self and moving forward by relying on our own skills and wisdom to get what we want will be the highlight of this full moon, which is at the late degrees of Aries. And it’s a bloody one. The full moon is a culmination of a journey. It illuminates part of our lives that was progressing through different stages of manifestation but hadn’t yet become visible. So with the full moon, we get clarity and we are able to move on.

We are in powerful, dynamic, cardinal energy. Events will not unfold happily, peacefully and without pain this time round. Mars, the ruler of the full moon, sits opposite in Libra, feeling frustrated, stressed out and angry. Having been burnt out by the sun, he’s recovering, but is not fully operational yet. So, we too, feel drained of courage or purpose. And yet, that’s what we should have if we want to get control of our lives. And we will. With the full moon in Aries we understand that we have to act on our behalf. By doing things for ourselves we are helping others, not the other way round. Making decisions on the basis of seeking harmony with others, and making strategic choices, will not bring about the desired outcome for anyone. It is likely that it will lead to disappointment and hurt. The energies around the full moon are very future oriented with major planets moving direct, and personal planets going about their forward movement as well. Immediate plans and plans for the longer time ahead, will be energised and will accelerate with every passing day.

The Strength card remind us to stand our ground. We are looking to our past, not in the sense of regurgitating old resentments or fears, but rather taking strength from our past accomplishments and achievements. Seeing how far we’ve come, taking credit for it, and heading our own way will bring us glory. Aries can be a very selfish energy. It is also youthful and enthusiastic. We are standing strong in our power and are carried away with it. We are supporting ourselves in self sufficiency and with self determination. There is strength underlying our purpose because we have self mastery. Others can rely on us. And so we are ourselves the source of strength and confidence others can benefit from. We do not need to look to others for making choices or to gain the things we want in life. And choices and gains are coming up for us. As with the forward planetary movement, we are going to be presented with opportunities and chances for progress and advancement on all fronts. We need our lion-heart to be the core of our decision-making.

Looking to others will bring pain, hurtful talk, and scattered messaging, while communication will be unhelpful or even damaging. The 3 of Swords is mental plane energy. It suggests mental suffering and anguish. And this is a possible condition for many of us around the days of the full moon. It is not less real than physical pain but it is different. Yet, it can manifest physically in the form of bad sleeping or circulation problems. And the 3 of Pentacles tells us that we can combat it with physical action. This is focusing on our work, our self mastery, our skills and our gifts. They will bring us solutions and lead to happier outcomes. If we choose to put our energy and attention there, we are sure to see positive results. This is not a sociable moment. It requires staying within ourselves to overcome issues from the outside, perhaps some time alone or performing repetitive action and contributing to projects with our own specialist knowledge is the best course of action. The 3 of Pentacles shown here, is a very much a depiction of opposition between outside-inside forces. It denotes that getting the job done, removed from emotion, but steadfast in our mission, will illuminate what is best for us and for others.

As I write this, it is the the twenty first straight day of volcanic eruption in La Palma. The people of the island are experiencing dramatic moments that seem unending, with lava, loud noise coming from below the earth and shooting up in the sky, dust, molten rock and liquid fire on going from the volcanic mountain, spreading and consuming everything in its way. There’s primeval energy when elements collide. Make no mistake these are critical times. Choose wisely. Do not rush to make a decision as tempers rise. Keeping strong and proud, focusing in our skills, knowing our self-worth, looking to the future with fresh ideas, fighting for ourselves is the message of the full moon in Aries. Standing our ground each and everyone will help us all.
