Full Moon Pisces 20 September 2021 – by Flavia

Lunar magic at its most splendid is here. On September 20, we have a full moon in Pisces, at 28 degrees and 14 minutes, and at 23:55 GMT. This is a full moon at the last degrees of Pisces, and as such, looking at it more broadly, the last degrees of the astrological cycle. A culmination of the most potent order. Things that were at an early stage at the new moon in Virgo a couple of weeks ago, and whatever we initiated six months ago, at the Pisces new moon, now come into fruition in one way or another. But that’s not the whole story. More Pisces energies will become intensified and amplified next year, with the entry of Jupiter into Pisces. The two grand planets, Jupiter and Neptune will conjunct in Pisces at some point, and at some other date, will sextile the other two great players of the skies, Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus. So take note. Everything is changing. We are all affected, for better or for worse. We will all be swept by the energies, and the closer and faster moving planets, so called personal planets, will be signalling with their transits in advance, where to put our attention in, and how to move about in order to make the best of our own particular situation. The closest and fastest moving body in the sky is the moon. The moon will illuminate and hide, will grow in light and decrease in visibility. And with it our perception and understanding will wax and wane.

With the full moon in Pisces, a full story is revealed. We learn something that has taken a year, six months, or even just two weeks in the making. But this is water energy, so do not expect mental clarity and practical specificity. Rather feelings, intuition and creativity, are the tools. The full moon takes place right on top of Neptune, and because of that, it is not an independent full moon. Actually, a full moon never is. But here, in true astrological fashion, it’s a messenger moon, with an abundantly and, overwhelmingly, clear character. Love and dissolution, is the Neptunian grandeur. And, so we are told, with the rod of life force of the King of Wands. It seems counter-intuitive that the King of Wands, a fire element of masculine creativity, should represent the forces of love and dissolving oneness. But who better to represent infinity, and the drive to move on regardless of any obstacles, than the King of Wands. Because obstacles may dissolve and transmute as we go along. Solutions are discovered, elements are blended, magic is real. The dreamy and, sometimes, deceitful character of Neptune is bigger than any of us. And it is the stronger, because all elements soon will work towards the powerful symbolism of water energy. How it’s done?

With The Fool. The number 0. Without beginning or an end. That’s how empowerment is done. It is done through innocence, the desire to move on and to move ahead, risking and putting ourselves on the line, even the naivete of the lack of experience can be a guide. We will make mistakes. When we start something new, all we have is a dream and a passion. In order to materialise it we have to search and discover, fall down and get up again, make mistakes and learn from them. We just cant know everything. And there’s no fun in it anyway. But there’s something pure and irresistible in the innocence of conception. For it first though, we are going through the undefined, secretive, mysterious and double bodied sign of Pisces, and the strength of Neptunian otherworldliness.

If all that sounds too philosophical and vague, then, here it is, what we will in fact experience in real life, while all those lunar energies work through us. It is, undoubtedly, the 7 of Cups. Options and indecisiveness, confusion and muddled decision-making, feelings and sentiments build in the sand, a number of situations that all appear equal but with hidden agendas. What are we going to do next? How are we going to prioritise? How to maximise? If we are forced to make a decision, we will try to escape, to run away. If we try and trap others in clarifying their position, they will flee. Any situation that is too constrictive will soon fall apart. This full moon has ‘no’ written all over it. For all its magic and dreamy quality, in real life, nothing will be real. It is moving sands. It it water flowing underneath and all around us.

And yet we have the King of Wands with us. We are coming into our own power and we have to own it. We can meditate, we can sing, we can paint, we can love, we can listen to the sounds of the forest, the river, the lake, the ocean. We can accept and dream big. In one way or another, soon we will be starting from zero. Lets clear the decks. With the full moon we are at the Virgo-Pisces axis. The axis of health and healing. So whatever we do and however we experience it, we have entered the purifying energy of water. Healing is following, as day follows night. We can tap into it by not resisting change and not bounding ourselves to outcomes. But we can live our lives by our experiences and through all of our senses. We have reached liminality. It’s the end of the season. Honour gratitude and participate in life in any way we can. That’s our absolute best.
