Full Moon in Aquarius 24 July 2021 – by Flavia

It is beginnings and endings all rolled into one for the July Full Moon in Aquarius. But it is a two-part series. With a big tableaux, to-be-continued, hanging outside. We are going to have two full moons during this 2021 Leo season. The second Full Moon at the late degrees of Aquarius is on the 22 August, and will have a very different feel to it. For now, we have firmly entered Blue Moon territory. A rare and magical time. So prepare for an intense alternation between hot and cold, as the opposing energies of the Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius bring forth illumination on a grand scale. While Leo is sizzling with passion, Aquarius is keeping the distance and cooling the tempers. They are both fixed signs. Tenacious and confident in themselves, they hold the energy with power and are there for the long run. The first Full Moon is happening at 1 degree and 25 minutes of Aquarius, on 24 July, and at 2:36am UK time.

The cards have spoken of abundance but also of isolation, mental engagement as well as zest for life, thinking in the abstract and creating for real, manifestation in the physical realm with a touch of unashamed glamour to boost. At the centre of it all there is expectation of new life. Something has been created that is almost competed. It is about to see the light of day. Soon it will be there in our lives in full bloom. True to Full Moon fashion, it is a time of culmination and fulfilment. Every new beginning has an aspect of death with it, however. To start something new something has to be let go in the process. So creation of something new still carries with it the nostalgia of something lost. Endings will be illuminated with gusto. Results of earlier actions will come alive.

With the sense of emotional fulfilment that the 9 of Cups represent, there are also competing messages that come across. First of all the full moon shows us all the things we have to be grateful for, because our dreams and hopes are taking form. Expectations are high and celebrations are on the cards too. There is contentment and satisfaction. Almost self satisfaction. It’s worth remembering the happy days in order to strengthen ourselves and sustain our resilience going into the future. But just as the light of the moon grows and wanes, conditions and circumstances in our lives change. The 9 of Cups contains the seeds of impermanence with it. Within the static of the picture, an inherent movement is bubbling underneath. Cherish the moment and express gratitude for life’s abundance. The spotlight is on our finest achievements and victories as we fulfil our desires. The heart is feeling proud. Everything flows as we are transformed and as we transform the environment around us. We know nothing stays the same.

There is lots of individualistic energy during the month of July, which continues into August. The astrology supports this statement and the tarot is adding the special flavour as the 9 of Cups is flanked by the Ace of Swords on one side, and the 9 of Pentacles on the other. It talks of a strong sense of independence and the power of the authentic self. We have to believe in our own powers. Creativity in all realms is also heavily emphasised. And it is both mental and physical. Heart and mind come together and fight for dominance. They can be our enemy and they can be our ally. We need both. With the 9 of Pentacles we are surely shown the Leo privilege in splendour. Moments that culminate in super abundance and riches can not be ruled out. These can be different for each one of us – according to our own values and definition – as we are in the midst of a grand individuation and authenticity of who we are. Questions are being answered, for better or for worse doubts are erased. We are given the gift of the mind with the Ace of Swords. Sharp mind and decision making based on logic and detached rational arguments will lead to successful outcomes, and those will be coming out loud and clear. Behind us, and further ahead, we might find ourselves in uncertain ground and double talk once again in order to review and re-examine. Right now things are straight and specific. What the cards tell us is that though we are separate, we are not alone. We belong to a greater story. That story gives us love and is nurturing, which makes it even more important that we hold on to ourselves and to who we a really are with pride and honour.
