Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 22 July 2021

This week our guides will be Freya and Aphrodite from The Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Freya is depicted as a sensual blonde woman, with a winged helmet, leather corset, and a horn hanging off her shoulder. A big cat is at her right side, gazing calmly onto the viewer. The rainbow bridge to Valhalla, Rimfrost, is visible behind her, in a sparkling and sombre snowy landscape. In the image of Aphrodite, we see a red-haired woman who is standing seductively, her eyes closed, perhaps moving, as if she is in some kind of a trance. She is wearing a green dress and several long beaded necklaces. There is a dove sitting on her right hand, and she holds yellow flower garlands, that stream onto the ground.

The cards come with a message of being bold and finding your inner Goddess. Freya’s energy of mystique and warrior-ship is complementing the slow and sensual vibe from Aphrodite. Both cards ignite action to awaken and to understand that we are more powerful than we believe. And the power is not for stepping onto other people, but instead we are to understand this as power to unite and invoke togetherness across different spheres. The cat and the dove, two symbols which are opposite, complement each other in the cards. Be brave with a gentle touch.

With the arrival of the Leo season and the Aquarian full moon 23/24 July, we may feel relieved when the objective rays of the Aquarian luna balances the left-overs from the emotional Cancer season. Utilise this full moon opening wisely and let out the leonine growl and tell la luna how you feel. Repressed emotions are not supported by the big cat’s personality, which rules the heart, thus Leo energy wants to put herself out on the world and not keep it inside. Release the pressure-cooker and be who you are.

Meditation with Freya and Aphrodite

Try this meditation with the Freya and Aphrodite cards.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the two images of Freya and Aphrodite. Observe the confidence of Freya and how she is embracing her own body and feeling her own skin. Look at the large cat accompanying her and how her gaze is penetrating and wise. Then look at Aphrodite and observe how she is moving in passion and in love with who she is. The dove is creating a peaceful contrast, calling us all into the present moment.

Choose your focus point and relax, connect to the image and stay still.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

Where in your life do you crave more love?

How can the Goddesses help you in this matter?

Additional practice – create a healing Love Bath

In this week’s additional practice we will work with both water and fire energies to embrace the energies of the Cancer and Leo seasons by creating a Love Bath. You will need one candle, it can be either white, orange or red, and your favourite bubble bath. Fill the bath with water and bubble and place the candle in a safe place where you can easily see it.

Lie down in your bath, and relax. Feel your body being immersed in luxurious and healing water. Gaze into the candle flame. Now sense how the flame from the candle is sending a beam of warming and electrifying energy towards you. The flame enters your feet and travels upwards your body, through your legs, to the knees, to the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus, then up to your heart chakra, throat chakra, the third eye and the crown chakra, and then continuing to the sky above. Sense how the fire energy is cleansing all your chakras and connecting them to each other with very fine strand of light.

And now tune into the nurturing water energy embracing your body. You can feel the water gently caressing your skin, your aura and your chakras. The water energy connects you to the primordial waters of the Great Mother, you are so very loved and held in this emotionally healing state of being. Stay in this simultaneously warming and cooling energy of water and fire and let your body, soul and mind receive the best for you. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Slowly open your eyes and come back to the present. Take a deep breath and say thank you to the water and fire elementals for guiding you through the ritual. You can repeat this practice anytime you feel you want to both nourish and energise your body, soul and mind through water and fire.
