Full Moon in Capricorn 24 June 2021 – by Flavia

On June 24 we have a full moon in Capricorn, at 7:39pm UK time, 3 degrees and 27 minutes. We are just coming out of the Solstice celebrations that happened on the 21 June, and now things are getting serious. We are becoming serious. The energies are building for control, keeping composed, practical, and with the eye on the prize, but ultimately heading towards freedom and our own sense of authority. Capricorn wants us to be committal and mature. We can still take our time to reach the goal – Saturn will not want us rushing into anything impulsively. As the moon grows into fullness a crescendo of power and purpose arrives to illuminate our vision for the future. Capricorn means business. The stakes are high and the intensity will only grow stronger.

And now, at the full moon there is completion in some area of life, a light shines upon something that was unseen before or something brought to light demands our attention. With the Knight of Pentacles something of material form, a culmination of a project or the reward of the end of a deal, is brought to us. Knights always bring news. Sometimes sudden news, sometimes news followed by emotional upheaval, or indicating a forceful thrust into action. But not in this case. This Knight of Pentacles brings material gifts with honour and grace. He is softly trotting on his horse or just stationary, beautifully composed, premeditated, collected. Something substantial is coming our way. Something big, something we can feel and touch. But there will be work necessitated to reach the higher possible achievement which might be slightly dull or slow moving. Full moons often bring completions and endings. Other times are showing up hidden aspects of life, whether we like it or not. However, the Knight, though fully in change and confident, is young energy of early stages of results. What has arrived has the potential to transformation into something even bigger. The Knight of Pentacles stands bellow the Queen and King of Pentacles. He is dedicated to service and to becoming. And so shall we be. We are experiencing a fairytale. The way through it is by sticking to repetition, pursuing careful planning, keeping to a routine. The Knight of Pentacles is the most steady and conservative of knights. Let’s respect that approach.

Because at the end of the day that’s how an idea will come. It will be a breakthrough. Just like this upwards facing sword. It will be cutting and relentless. Possibly threatening or symbolic, mental energy is at the centre of the gift of this full moon in Capricorn. In any case, the idea is a fertile one that will grow and bring clarity, solution to problems, and a creative approach for a positive outcome. A riddle will be solved, and answers will manifest with decision and speed. The Ace of Swords is quick mental action.

The mental will lead to an actual, physical and material action. Capricorn full moon will be busy and, ultimately, things will move fast. There is dynamism in the air. The 8 of Wands indicates this. We are going to find ourselves at the throws of change. While the Knight of Pentacles is static, the movement of the full moon is always action oriented. And this time it suggests a big surge forwards. We are cautioned, however, not to let outside situations derail us from our direction. Despite the many distractions and events happening all around us, we will do better if we maintain our composure and remain faithful to our goals. A sense of responsibility for our actions will serve us well. The routines we have established and rational thinking is supporting us in keeping the right boundaries in order to pursue our vision. It is time to keep our focus in using our resources wisely (and possibly frugally). Because, lets be honest, swords are knives that cut and sever. Knowing how to detach will come up as well at the moon’s fullness. And knowing how to get rid of superfluous stuff is also part of it. So we are encouraged to minimise in order to expand. All wands are heading in the same direction, so nothing is wasted, either energetically or materially. The Ace of Swords is upwards communication, words, positive thinking, and inspiration that guides with sharp purpose. With both the Knight of Pentacles and the 8 of Wands looking to the future, and the wands heading ahead speedily, we stick to or goals and get there. Our sense of service as it is shown by the Knight will bring us the desired outcome. Capricorn is materialistic ambitious energy and will grant us something of substance in the real world to take with us as we move forwards. The 8 of Wands is intention with determination. And it is fire energy that motivates us. With it there’s only one way to go: and this is straight on. All cards weave a story of success that culminates on the 24 of June.
