Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 20 June 2021

This week we will journey with the Soul family card from Work Your Light Oracle Cards. In the card we see two women kneeling in front of each other, their foreheads and palms touching. They are wearing white dresses, in a landscape of pink flowers, under a pink sky, with radiating golden-white sun rays at the horizon. Four dolphins are depicted behind the kneeling women, two are swimming in the ocean, and the other two are leaping out of the water. There are also two humpback whales jumping out out of the ocean, creating a feeling of joy. The water is a calming pale turquoise colour, with sparkles of light and very gentle ripples forming on its’ surface.

The Soul family card brings the message that now is the time to call in your soul family and support team. It is the perfect time to find your own people, those who are on your soul-level and those who you want to keep close at heart. You are also guided to be open to receiving help from your kindred group and to assemble them together if needed. Do not be afraid to ask for assistance. In addition, the twin imagery in the card might make us feel called to pair up with another person, which could be a romantic relationship or a business project. The energy of the Soul family is one which emphasises comfort and ease, and emotional healing. Trust that you are receiving the best companionship for you, from friends, family and lovers.

Summer Solstice arrives 21 June, and it is the longest day in the northern hemisphere, and we may feel that the light has infused us with nourishment and energetic purification. Dedicate time before and after the Solstice to reset and take stock of what you have done so far this year. Then create a soul inventory of where you wish to be in six months time. We are also transiting into Cancer season and we may find that our senses start to calm down into a more introspective mood after the active Gemini month of vivid communication and airy energy. Nurture and care for yourself during the coming weeks, and be ready to ask and to receive help from your very own soul tribe.

Meditation with the Soul family card

Try this meditation with the Soul family card.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image. Observe how the two women are in deep meditation together, their foreheads and palms facing each other, synchronising their visions into one. Perhaps they are imagining new structures for humanity, a future in which we are in a more symbiotic relationship with each other, less competitive, and more joyful and secure. Look at the humpback whales and the dolphins and how they are moving in opposite directions, creating a rhythm of flow and ease. Choose your focus point and relax, connect to the image and stay still.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

How do you feel about your Soul family?

Is there something missing in your Soul family which you want to call in?

Additional practice – Golden healer and Summer Solstice reset

In this week’s additional practice we will work with the gorgeous Golden healer. This a variety of quartz which contains iron oxide and at times also actinolite needles within the crystalline growth. The colour can range from pale yellow to gold and orange and they may exhibit a rainbow. Golden healer allows for universal healing and it works with all the chakras, and it clears blockages and restores imbalances. It is connected to the divine spirit, to the source and to creation. Being a Master Healer crystal, it emits the highest vibration, with a powerful, gentle and soothing energy. Golden healer can facilitate remote spiritual communication, and convey and connect information between different dimensions. During meditation Golden healer connects us to source and to the truth of all things. It promotes a feeling of joy, increases our sense of peace and makes us more aware of that everything is connected.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable position. Place the Golden healer on your solar plexus. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and relax your body. Sense how the gorgeous warming golden colour is cleansing your solar plexus, relaxing this area and making it balanced. Then feel how the Golden healer energy is going down to your sacral chakra, root chakra, knees and feet, and connecting you to the earth chakra below. Relax and let the calming healing of Mother Earth ground you. Then feel how the warming light of the Golden healer is moving up from your solar plexus to your heart chakra, throat chakra, the third eye and the crown chakra, and then continuing to move upwards and connecting to the sky above. Sense how the cleansing golden energy is warming your whole body, and connecting all the chakras and the auric field. The golden light is surrounding you and making you feel very embraced. Stay in this illuminating golden healing vibration for a while. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Slowly open your eyes and come back to the present. Take a deep breath and say thank you to Golden healer and its’ sacred gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you feel you need to reset your body, mind and spirit, and to receive the very best for you.
