Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 16 May 2021

This week we will journey with the Ace of Materials and Knight of Materials from The Muse Tarot. The Ace of Materials depicts a black-haired woman facing right, surrounded by plants and flowers, in her hand she holds a wooden staff. Her image is encircled by beige stones and there is a triangle under her. In the Knight of Materials, we see a stunning grey horse running in a field of green grass towards the right. The horse is adorned with flowers around the neck and with a large pink rose on the right ear. There is a huge green plant in the orange-red sky behind him.

Both cards bring a message of wealth and a connection to the earth element. The Ace of Materials indicates that a new prosperous time is set to begin. What you now put into place will bring abundance. The black-haired woman appears to be in a trance state, perhaps channeling a wealth of ideas in a focused manner. She assures you of a joyful new beginning and the manifestation of prosperity and security. The Knight of Materials supports our actions and wishes for earthy wealth, and shows us that moving ahead with our heart’s desire is possible. However, the message is to do it with joy and steadfastness, and not rush anything. The green plant in the sky reminds us of the heart chakra and that our deepest assignment comes from the heart and the space in which we find the truth of our actions.

The new moon in Taurus passed us 11 May, during this transit we may have found a new way of looking at the world, more grounded and with the possibilities of furthering our wealth. Now we await the arrival of the full moon in Sagittarius 26 May, when the adventurous archer may activate parts of our charts which have been lacking in drive and passion. In addition, Jupiter’s interlude into Pisces from 13 May to 28 July may cast a dream-like shimmer onto our everyday proceedings. Stay grounded and observe your thoughts, and tune into the Taurus seasons desire for luxury through a grounded sense of wealth.

Meditation with the Ace and Knight of Materials

Try this meditation with Ace and Knight of Materials.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at image of the Ace and Knight of Materials. Observe how the black-haired woman is enjoying her abundance of plants and flowers. Her quiet and confident energy is comforting and brings a feeling of being one with the earth. With eyes closed, she appears to be in deep communion with Gaia and her protectors. Look at the handsome grey horse in the Knight of Materials card and notice the dynamic and joyful movement of the horse. Notice the patterns of the green plant in the sky, perhaps reminiscent of the heart chakra. Choose your focus point and relax, connect to the image and be still.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

How do you stay grounded in your everyday proceedings?

What does wealth mean to you?

Additional practice – Buddstone and your creative wealth

In this week’s additional practice we will work with the lush green Buddstone, which is the trade name of Verdite, also called South African Jade, from where it originates. Buddstone has a calming energy and it can make us feel safe in our own skin, so that we can work on healing fragmented emotions and lead a life of grace. It encourages consistency and reliability and helps us to stay grounded and stable. Buddstone can activate an understanding of our family line and belief systems and how we can choose the greater good in life. It can open the channels of ancestral wisdom and how we can use this knowledge in the modern world. Buddstone increases the flow of energy throughout the body and it can activate Kundalini energy, and help to raise this energy to the heart chakra. Buddstone is an excellent companion for healing work. It supports co-operation and effective problem-solving, and helps with organisation and focus. Buddstone increases well-being when we are in adverse situations and allows us to be self-sufficient. It is connected to the heart chakra, to the earth element and to Taurus, and the number 2. Buddstone helps to increase our senses and our intuition and guides us to to act and move forward from a heart centred place and in a grounded manner.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable position. Place the Buddstone on your root chakra. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and relax. Feel how the lush green colour is entering your root chakra, gently cleansing any stagnation in this area. Then sense how the green Buddstone energy is going down to your knees, and then to your feet, and making a connection to the earth star chakra below. Take a few deep breaths and connect to the beauty of Mother Earth. Then feel how the green healing energy of Buddstone is moving up to your sacral chakra, your solar plexus chakra, your heart chakra, throat chakra, the third eye and the crown chakra, and sending a connective beam to the cosmos above. Sense how the soothing lush green colour is travelling through your body, going into all the places that need healing. The Buddstone energy connects all your chakras and makes you feel very relaxed. You are surrounded by a loving green colour. Stay in this green healing vibration for a while. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Slowly open your eyes and come back to the present. Take a deep breath and say thank you to Buddstone and its’ healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you feel you need to ground yourself and connect to your creative wealth.
