Full Moon in Scorpio 27 April 2021 – by Flavia

At the full moon in Scorpio we find ourselves suspended. It is a time of intense aquatic energy, a time of culmination and transformation. A spiritual journey when we are going within to find strength and fortitude to face the outside world. Resources will abound. We are out into the world focused intently on our goals. The full super moon of April 2021 takes place on 27 April, at 04:30 am UK time, at 7 degrees and 6 minutes of Scorpio.

Every full moon is a time of illumination and revelation. And we have a full moon once a month in a different sign each time. So it is not an extraordinary event beyond the fact that it colours our experience of the next couple of weeks, depending on the subject matter it brings up for us according to the sign it takes place in and the house in our chart. But this Scorpio full super moon, is particularly focused on those aspects that make full moons formidable: reflection, going within, releasing and letting go of what is toxic and harmful, the removal of obstacles and dissolution of barriers, over flooding with emotion and the potential of loss of control that comes with it. Every full moon is also about endings. The sign of Scorpio is about endings. Therefore the release action of Scorpio will be extremely strong. And some say – even – painful. Its ruler Mars, in Gemini, will be cutting in every direction. Especially mentally. We are all feeling it in some part of life. It can happen with words or thoughts, writing, buying and selling. The Hanged Man is reminding us that we don’t need to go somewhere else to find what we are looking for. Everything is here with us. In order, however, to access abundance and wealth, on any level, we need discipline. The Hanged Man, here in this deck, looks more like an acrobat, a dancer performing a magnificent act of endurance and fitness. He looks incredibly serene and beautiful. He is almost flying rather than hanging. He does make us wonder, however, of the pain he is going through, and the repeated performances and enormous amount of training that he has gone through to come out making his act look so effortlessly sublime and so fearlessly natural. Scorpio is a powerhouse sign. And it is a fixed sign that likes to keep things internalised. It is not a case of letting it all hang loose during this full super moon. It is more about holding on to the power of will and letting go of the poisons. The emotions are going to go deep and they are going to go high. We are all participating and pushed to finding our inner wisdom.

The revelation is that all the massive exuberance that surrounds the Hanged Man – water and mountains – translates in actual specific things that can be itemised in our lives. The 7 of Cups is a very ambiguous card nevertheless. It can mean that the opportunity to tap into everything we ever dreamt of is within reach, if only we made up our minds. It can also mean the inability to move forward due to too much choice, because, exactly, there is so much that is overwhelming us and is rendering our logical side short for the challenge. If we depend on the external situation and the physical world in order to make a decision, we are not going to find the support we are looking for. Or an outcome we can be happy with. The 7 of Cups is a great offering coming our way, but is can also be a bit of a trap. Perhaps one of the cups is happiness, the other is a poisoned chalice. Which is it? Which one, or ones, are we going to go for? From which are we going to drink? Surely we are in desperate need of the reflection of the Hanged Man to help us get through it. We have to look inside to find the answer to the outside. In any case both cards indicate we are coming to a halt. Each one expanding on the meaning of the other and advancing its significance. Once again there is no lack. Emotionally and psychologically, we have what it takes. But events could over take us and render us motionless. In a way, it is telling us that among the abundance, we have to remain austere in ourselves. As a paradox, that is the way to access abundance, in health and wealth, love and creativity, inspiration and realisation.

And it looks like we get there. After the long battle, we are still standing. In a month that all the planets are moving forward. In a month that we move from fast and super energised Aries, to steady and powerful Taurus we are going to be flooded with opportunities and unexpected choices to make. Action Mars is in Gemini, so nothing conclusive will come out of it yet. And the world looks beautiful with Venus entering her domain in Taurus. She can lounge around and still attract the goodness in life. Mercury in Aries is also fired up (everything to do with money and exchange is under our personal initiative, we are not prepared to joining forces with anyone yet). Happiness and communication is what we are looking for. But Scorpio full moon is going to bite. And it’s a bright full super moon. There is no way around it. Far away planets want a say too, offering a theoretical and more restrictive content, where it is all taking place. And their influence is long term. The 9 of Wands is such an excellent card to tell us, that come what may, the fire is still burning. The plants will grow. Success is within us. Loss is not going to hold us back. Endings will be overcome. What we let go of, is necessary in order to gain more. At the end of the month we could be battle weary, and preparing for a more retrospect period as the eclipses are approaching. They are going to kick too. The full moon in Scorpio is a culmination of a busy time, where we are going to need all our resilience, and no matter whether we feel punished, or depleted, we are going to have to hold our ground, and fight for what we really want. Because we are still going ahead into our future. There is no giving up.
