Full Moon in Virgo 27 February 2021 – by Flavia

On 27 February, a month of duality culminates with the full moon in Virgo (a double bodied sign), 08 degrees, and at 8:18am GMT. We have a lot of eights here. Eight is the number of infinity and the number often associated with power and money. When the Eight comes up, immediately we think of magic, meaning and purpose. And there’s so much more. The influence of a balancing act between masculine and feminine energies runs throughout the month perhaps more powerfully than normal. One of the great conflicts of the year, the square of Saturn in Aquarius, to Uranus in Taurus, pulls in the earth against the skies, and the nurturing principles of nature against the mental and the abstract. But with the caveat that things are not as straightforward as all that. The laws of duality play a complex game and each can become the other.

The King of Wands is a powerful force of nature full of passion and creativity that is rooted. He is an established force. There is an abundance of red in this picture. But he is looking back to the his ancestors, to old routines, to well acknowledged methods of practice, to knowledge that has heritage behind it and that it is open for growth. He represents slow progress and history. Right now things are mature and serious. With the promise of renewal through the past there comes expansion. We don’t know it yet, but everything that comes up now is not entirely new. In some way, we’ve been here before. The light of the full moon is as always revealing of things that have been obscure or hidden from us. And so in this sense of culmination and endings, we are going over feelings embedded in our past experiences and ways of being. There is a practicality about this full moon and we are in a process of resolution. There is also a healing energy and a going back and forth mentally. So we are most likely to be reviewing past projects, perfecting and elaborating on things that are already familiar to us. We find solutions to problems. We are seeing the details. The projects and plans have reached maturity.

At the core of everything, there is love. The Two of Cups is an unmistakable message that as we look into each others eyes, we can face that which confronts us with honesty and dignity. The sign of Aquarius palpably dominates the energies of February. Personal planets are traversing Aquarius and two slower ones, Saturn and Jupiter, are moving much more carefully and diligently through it. In a way there is completion that is fluid and ethereal by the end of February, on a grander scale. It only takes seeing and accepting that which is real. The sun is the light. The full moon is a demonstration of the power of reflection. But reality itself will also be confrontational and volatile. The Two of Cups is water and air energy bathed in blue colours of mental restlessness. The ground will not hold us. Constructs persist and we are going to find ourselves travelling in our minds without having a concrete or substantial outcome to show for. Or not yet. And so looking at the past will be comforting. Looking to our past achievements and triumphs, what we have accomplished so far, will have a presence within our everyday, whether mundane or heroic, romantic or practical, poetic or prosaic.

However, we are not going to dwell on this for too long. The energies will go quickly, and through completion and healing, soon we’ll have a sense of fulfilment that will help us orientate our focus towards the future. The Queen of Wands is the partner of the King of Wands. It’s so extraordinary that the two came to flank the Two of Cups. The mystical card of duality power should not go unnoticed. It’s a power that is within everyone of us. It is not the outside world alone, though events and conditions might fool us sometimes to think that it is. It is all the masculine and feminine energies that reside within and make us who we are, it is that which is special about our thoughts and feelings, our talents and emotions, and what we do with them. We are reminded in one central card. February is a serious and slow month. The arrival of The Queen of Wands, as the third card, indicating the future will infuse us with movement and creation that is just beginning. The Queen’s independence and authority matches that of the King’s. They are equals. They are on the same level of efficiency and productivity. To reiterate, though moon represents our moods and emotions, this is a very pragmatic full moon, stripped of too much drama and turmoil. It is rather an enthusiastic full moon looking at life with quiet optimism and selfless care. The two of them of course, King and Queen, work together and in the month of February, so full of doubles, it only makes sense that they do. They bring in the power of two. They bring in love of life. Between our past wealth of knowledge and experiences, and a future that we are creating every single day, we are confident and strong. The end of February, and the full moon, find us full of conviction and the fire within. We are building in self assurance but not acting on it yet. February is a humanistic month. The cards only brought up human individuals. The focus is on how the truth that is revealed will shine in the lives of us sparkling with love as we move into the changeable and ever promising landscape ahead. There is circular movement in which we find that we are more capable, because of love and knowledge of the self and the other.
