Monthly Muses by Flavia – February 2021

The wheel of fortune has already started turning in January 2021, bringing forward all sorts of unexpected exciting events, and it continues unabated and in full force in February. We are in no doubt of that. If we thought Mercury’s retrograde motion throughout the month is putting the breaks, then we would be disappointed. But it is a mental force more than anything. And hopefully as The Ace of Swords shows, it is also a gift. An inspiring realisation and a re-conceptualisation of our being in the world full of dynamic forces that won’t let us rest. Ultimately, this will lead to The Empress energy of empowerment that is forward looking, and a sense of self that will guide us towards a more fulfilling and liberating future.

And so we have pulled The Wheel of Fortune, The Ace of Swords and The Empress to help us with the unfolding energies of February. We start the month deep in an Aquarius place, spiritually, emotionally and physically, where six planets are congregating. The Wheel is pushing straight away a change in fortunes with the entrance of Venus in Aquarius, and everything that is eccentric and progressive is enhanced with beauty, love and pleasure. She moves in to join Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun and soon enough the Moon – on the 11th February for the new moon at 23 degrees.

This particular turning of the wheel is an auspicious moment and a celebratory one. It happens on the first day of the month. The three figures on the podium could refer to the three graces or three goddesses, or in any case three female uplifting glorious forces. They are with us. And they are serious. They mean business. In the form of the planets in Aquarius, we are going to be concerned with long term future goals, serious commitment, and issues of justice and fairness, will be infused with the Venusian values of harmony and attraction. We might not deserve them or they might be long time coming, but either way, they arrive and will support us bestowing protection on a grand scale. Things are looking up. This is a turn of fortune we are going to like.

Last month left us having a lot to be happy about as well as a multitude of unfinished business. Lots of powerful and sometimes violent planetary transits that took place continue to affect us right through to spring. But in February it is time to go over and reflect. While also start planting new seeds. We will be digging deep. We will be cutting the fat off. We will be revising, and whether we like it or not , we will have to go over our plans, our ideas, our life theories and our decision making will be checked. The Ace of swords is a mental thought processes that stands at the centre of everything that is happening in February. Because it is a seeding future focused time, it will be difficult to know in the moment what will manifest exactly in the future, what will come out of it in practical terms, and what is going to look like. It is also explosive and abrupt. It might not always give us warning. We are going to need the rest of the year to absorb the changes and influences that February will precipitate.

The Empress finally is a good outcome. She brings abundance and blessings to our endeavours. The card reiterates the power of Venus in the construct. Venus as Empress performs a balancing act in a month that is so heavy in masculine energy. The aspect are intense and communication and mental activity will be exhausting. Tradition and innovation will be in friction. Her influence in our hard working effort to build something meaningful in our life is pivotal, and will indicate that it is through beauty, grace, negotiation, sometimes delegation, and charm that goals can be achieved. It is the way that others can be won over, that harmony can be reached. Venus as Empress in Aquarius is serious and purposeful, but she most likely prefer to play outside the rules. She makes her own rules in her own image. There’s creation with promising results that comes from pure visionary genius. While the Wheel is turning, ideals and our higher expression are becoming manifest in cutting ways. There will be no holding back. The Empress will bring forth benefits that ultimately will have a physical manifestation way into the future. In Aquarius she is progressive and uniquely authentic. And her powers are unlimited. Ours can be too as she comes to our aid softly and magnificently.
