Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 16 January 2021

This week we find ourselves journeying with the Priestess from the Work your light oracle cards by Rebecca Campbell. In the card, the Priestess is portrayed with her hands in a receptive pose, her palms facing towards the observer. She is clad in a blue dress and wears a golden veil, and there is a golden snake on her head. Multiple golden wings are layered on top of her arms. Lionesses appear at her sides and a circle is depicted above her head. We can see a triangle and temple structures behind her. The card imbues an ethereal and multi-dimensional atmosphere.

The Priestess card asks us how we are being called to step up and lead. She brings a message of leadership, teaching and finding your own tribe. By sharing your message and leading your own life in a truthful way, respectfully and in dignity, you will create your own following. Your community will reflect the healing of the world. Looking at the multi-layered design of the image, we understand that we can allow our wisdom to unfold. This will provide us with the leadership skills and strength that we need to carry us to the next phase. In the receptive pose of the Priestess we can see our own mirrored reflection of grace.

The new moon in Capricorn which occurred on the 13th of January might have urged you to leave certain habits behind. Capricorn’s organisational manners are supportive in finding new structures, but relies on a steady pace to create them. Use the remaining days of the Capricorn Sun to tune into your orderly strength. When the Sun shifts into Aquarius, you will have a structure in place to benefit from the informational free-flow of Aquarian energy. Your Priestess identity is getting ready to take responsibility, organise herself and lead in a heart-centred way.

Meditation with the Priestess card

Try this meditation with the Priestess card.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image of the Priestess. Note how her focused gaze is intense and yet soft. What can you see in the multi-layered image? The golden snake on her head hovers quietly, while the lionesses are guarding her sides. There is a circle opening above the Priestess head, holding a triangle which is charging energy at the top. The Priestess receptive hands are comforting, you know that she is always there for you. Let your feelings guide you to a focus point for your meditation.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

How can you best utilise your strength in the world?

What deep dreams can your inner Priestess help you to realise?

Additional practice – Sodalite for calming empowerment

Sodalite is a lovely deep blue crystal with veins of white calcite and tiny speckles of pyrite, and the name relates to its’ high sodium content. It was discovered by Europeans 1811 in Greenland and became popular as an ornamental stone in 1891 when it was found in Ontario, Canada. It was used by the pre-historic Caral People (2600-2000 B.C.) in Peru for trade, highly valued for its’ deep blue colour.

Sodalite promotes truthful communication in all forms; writing, speaking, listening, and it can help with confidence during public presentations. It can also enhance empathy, thus creating a mutual understanding between people who are trying to communicate. Sodalite is helpful when dealing with people who don’t listen to you, or who are not ‘hearing’ what you say. Teachers, writers and students can benefit from Sodalite since it unveils deeper philosophical principles. Sodalite promotes creativity and ignites new ideas, staying close to one’s truthful vision. It has a calming effect on the body, mind and soul and it can be used for deep meditation. Sodalite helps to develop psychic abilities and increases intuition. It vibrates with the energy of truth and it can help you to understand your life-path and how you can make the best of any situation.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable position. Place the Sodalite on your solar plexus. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and relax. Feel how the deep blue colour of Sodalite is entering your solar plexus, cleansing and calming any tension in this area. Then sense how the deep blue energy of Sodalite is flowing down to your sacral chakra, again cleansing and calming this area. The healing energy continues to travel down to your root chakra, your knees and your feet and then travels to Mother Earth and grounds you to her power. Take a deep breath and release anything you no longer need. And then, the deep blue healing Sodalite energy moves up from your solar plexus to the heart chakra, the throat, the third eye and the crown chakra, and makes a connection to the great Sky Father above. Sense how the deep blue energy is cleansing and calming all your chakras, then expanding into the aura, removing anything which is no longer necessary. You are now bathed in a deep blue colour, and you note how the calming Sodalite energy is bringing you strength. You feel stronger, more confident and whole. Stay in this vibration for a while. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Slowly open your eyes and come back to the present. Take a deep breath and say thank you to Sodalite and her healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you feel you need to bring back calming strength into your body, mind and soul.
