Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 21 December 2020

This week we find ourselves journeying with two cards, The Night and The Morning from the Cosmic Slumber Tarot. The Night card depicts a reddish-brown haired young man immersed in water with a downward gaze, while a young blonde woman sits in a tree, a tall oak. There is a full moon in the night sky and the woman appears to be in contemplation, looking to the right and away from the activities in the water. In The Morning card we see the same young man, this time with his eyes closed, his hair has lost its’ red lustre, and he is ready to emerge from the earth. The blonde woman is standing in the landscape behind him and she is looking to the left. There are mountains in the horizon and the sun is rising in the sky, through pink, red and light blue clouds.

The Night card brings a message of escape and rest, a time which you can devote to yourself and sink into your dreams. Any issues you currently face are worked through at night-time in your subconscious. While The Morning card tells us that we now have a new starting point, and a new chance to do things the way we wanted. There is indeed light after the long night. The cards work together as a cycle of balance to remind us that we need both the dark and the light in our lives to be who we are, and to function together with the rhythm of nature. We should not blame ourselves if we feel the progress of our life’s desire is slow, and we should not compare ourselves to others successes. Our own rhythm is taking us exactly where we need to be and at the correct time.

Both Saturn and Jupiter have now moved into Aquarius, and their cosmic effects are heightened at Winter Solstice, 21 December, when they conjunct. This is a powerful event which is much anticipated by sky watchers, astrologers and astronomers. Connect to the conjunctions transformative energy by experiencing your own soul’s night and then look forward to the soul’s morning. What is constricting in your life, where does Saturn seem to play a role? As where do you feel you are flowing and expanding, with Jupiter’s energies? When you awaken from a long slumber, you are metaphorically emerging from the earth and awakening to a new cycle. Let yourself move with the energies at this potent cosmic shift and let them flow through you. Don’t resist the process of letting go but enjoy its’ spatial emptying. With the new cycle beginning, you can call in your shining self and build upon that.

Meditation with the The Night and The Morning cards

Try this meditation with The Night and The Morning.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the images on the two cards. Observe which card is calling you. Is it The Night card with its’ watery night-time imagery, connecting you to the moon and the emotional realm, and at the same time grounding with the oak trees healing energy. Or do you choose The Morning card which is filled with solar energy, rebirth and emergence, where ideas become active and begin to take shape. Observe the colours in the cards, the different blue hues, the red, and the yellow in the The Night card. Then look at the green, pink, light blue in The Morning card. Let your feelings guide you to a focus point for your meditation.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you work with the cycle of day and night to bring you peace?

What brings you flowing joy?

Additional practice – Green Apophyllite for Aquarian awareness

Apophyllite is a transparent to translucent crystal created from hydrated potassium calcium silicate and it is found in clear and a rare green colour. The name Apophyllite comes from the Greek apophylliso, which means “it flakes off” because this crystal has a tendency to flake when heated. Apophyllite grows in a pyramid shape and as crystals on another mineral, often on Stilbite. Green Apophyllite was first discovered in India and has also been found in Canada and Brazil. Green Apophyllite is connected to the heart, throat and third eye chakras. It has a cleansing and balancing energy and brings clarity to decisions and situations. Green Apophyllite helps us to let go of issues that no longer serve us and helps us to forgive. It balances emotions with loving energy and enhances spiritual growth. Green Apophyllite connects us with Mother Earth and helps us to communicate with plant, animal, fairy and elemental energies. It helps to detoxify the body, mind and soul through a gentle and high vibration which removes all that is no longer necessary. Apophyllite can be used for crystal gazing and when meditating with it, you may get clues to who you really are. It allows us to glimpse through the veils into the past and future and it can provide deep healing to bring you back to yourself.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Imagine that you are lying on a tropical beach, surrounded by the warmth of the afternoon sun, there is a gentle breeze and you can hear the melodic sounds of exotic birds. The sky and the water has the colour of Apophyllite green and you lie calmly and listen to the sounds of the waves. You sense how the beautiful green Apophyllite energy is entering the soles of your feet and it is very peaceful. Then you feel how the green light is going up your legs, into the knees, your root chakra, your sacral chakra, your solar plexus, the heart chakra, the throat, third eye and the crown chakra. Sense how the green energy is cleansing all your chakras, then expanding into the aura, removing anything which is no longer necessary. You are now surrounded, inwards and outwards, by this beautiful green energy bringing a feeling of deep peace. Stay in this vibration for a while. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Slowly open your eyes and come back to the present. Take a deep breath and say thank you to Green Apophyllite and her healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you feel you need to awaken your soul’s light and align with your true self.
