Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 5 December 2020

This week our guide is The Magician from the Tarot of a Moon Garden by Karen Marie Sweikhardt. In the card, The Magician appears as a wizard, with long white hair and beard, wearing a red and purple cape and a pointy hat adorned with stars. He is holding a scroll in his right hand and his left hand is resting by his side. On the table in front of him we can see the elements of the Tarot. The pentacle of earth, the cup of water, the dragonfly of air and the stick of fire. A pale coloured tree grows behind The Magician, indicating his grounded way of being. The sky is dark and we can see two crescent moons shining in the night, creating the symbol of infinity. There is a green winged dragon sitting on The Magician’s left side, and another mythical creature, a tiny unicorn, is peeking from inside the cup of water.

The Magician brings us a message of possibilities, of trust in new beginnings and of wishes coming true. He is a wise elder who commands all elements and he is able to work with them creatively and simultaneously to achieve balance. The card reminds us of our own creative talents, and that these are the ones to develop to follow our unique path. The Magician also indicates that we are to stay balanced and to not fall for the grand plan which is imposed by others and which may lead us down the path we do not wish because we can’t say no. Don’t be seduced by that which glitters but instead stay grounded with earth, feel your truth with water, trust your wit with air and follow your passion with fire. Be your own Magician and call in your soul’s multi-layered wisdom with the help of the elements.

The experiences of the recent full moon in Gemini and her eclipse, may have left us vulnerable and unsure of which messages to trust and how we best manoeuvre ourselves in the coming months. The arrival of another eclipse on 15 December, a solar darkening at the new moon in Sagittarius, gives us a chance to render our own creative fire. First we need to cleanse house, and then we are able to fine-tune our recent insight. With a clear mind, the Sagittarius arrow will motivate and enable us to move forward with passionate grace.

For a reminder of the recent and forthcoming cosmic events, read Flavia’s messages for the Gemini full moon and the astrology of December.

Meditation with the Magician

Try this meditation with the Magician.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image of The Magician on the card. Observe how the bearded wise man is balancing all the elements. Notice how his dragon ally is comfortable by The Magician’s side, and how the tiny unicorn inside the cup of water is reminding us of our emotional wisdom. Feel the different elements of air, fire, water and earth, and note how the dragonfly, stick, cup and pentacle match each other to make a perfect whole. Let your feelings guide you to a focus point for your meditation.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you call in the four elements of air, fire, water and earth to create more balance in your life?

What would your inner Magician archetype do if anything was possible?

Additional practice – purify your rhythm with Woodpecker

In this week’s additional practice we learn from the Woodpecker from Ted Andrews’ Animal-Speak Runes. The woodpecker is known for its’ ability to powerfully drill or drum trees to extract food, to mark their territory and to attract mates. Andrews suggests that the drumming on the trees links the woodpecker to the heartbeat of the earth. Thus, when a woodpecker appears, this is a message that a new rhythm is emerging in your life. This new rhythm will eliminate your worries and allow space for success to take place. You have laid the foundation for something new which is important for your personal progress. Maybe it is a project, a new job, a new relationship, or a newly found faith on your spiritual journey. The woodpecker assures that it is important that you follow your own rhythm and that this will bring new opportunities, those which you have been waiting for.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Imagine that you are standing in a beautiful forest. The air is clear and fresh. There are gorgeous, lush trees everywhere you look. Pine, oak, beech, birch, maple, aspen and yew. All of the trees are growing together in harmony. You start to walk amongst the trees. There are a lot of sounds in the forest and one particular sound keeps on coming back to you. It sounds like somebody is drumming. You follow the sound until you come to a very tall pine tree and you look up. There sits a woodpecker. She has noticed you and temporarily stops drumming on the tree. She looks into your eyes and a calming feeling is coming over you. You decide to sit down for a while underneath the tall tree. The woodpecker continues to drum on the wood and you tune into the rhythm of her sound. You feel very relaxed as you listen to the drumming. Then you sense a cleansing energy emerging from high above. The energy is pure and it has a very light silvery colour. You feel how the silver light is entering your crown chakra and travelling down to your third eye, your throat chakra, your heart chakra, the solar plexus, the sacral chakra and the root chakra, and then down to your knees, feet and toes, and making a connection to Mother Earth below. Sense how the silvery energy is making a connection between all your chakras and then expanding into your whole body. Stay in this vibration for a while. Note any messages you receive at this point. Slowly open your eyes and come back to the present.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to woodpecker and her healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you want to embrace your new rhythm and cleanse your body, mind and soul to allow space for the new energies arriving.
