Monthly Muses by Flavia – December 2020

December 2020 kicks in with gusto full of divine masculine energy, and goes out like a dream in splendid feminine power. It concludes a dramatic and eventful year, full of extraordinary reversals and emotional journeys. Indeed December starts straight on with the intensity of a full moon eclipse in Gemini that happened just a day earlier on 30 November. Even though the eclipses are happening on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, which is an air-fire element axis, there still seems to be a lot of water energy around.

We are still overwhelmed by emotions. But we are standing strong. The King of Cups is the king of the seas, the king of our emotional well-being and spiritual balance. It is universal love in a positive and creative action oriented way. It is outwards feelings and emotional intelligence. The Gemini duality from the full moon is ever present in the glorious King of Cups, and will continue to influence us into the new year. Daemons and seahorses will drive forward challenges and unexpected complications that will touch our lives in some aspect or another. For better or for worse a they say. We will want to move on in ways that might prove to be illusory, or others might be the driving force in our lives in ways that aim to dis-empower us. It could be conscious or unconscious sets of conditions involved in all of this but the effects will be real. In the stars there are a number of complicated aspects forming throughout the month, many more than it’s normal. Mercury is aspecting the Sun, so words are said. Lots of them. And then Mars (strong in Aries) gets in the conversation with a mighty Pluto. Venus is aspecting Neptune. But the spread says, lets keep it simple.

All planets are now moving direct in December, except for Uranus. Neptune was the last to station direct, and he’s picking up the tempo forward. Neptune is the patron of the seas and everything nautical, as well as the patron of horses and all things equestrian. The symbolism is powerful and aligns with the atmosphere we are entering in December with the King of Cups in the initial position. It’s a reminder to trust the process, that there are larger forces than us, and that we do not need to react to situations, we just have to ‘do’. Like in the picture we will travel floating and triumphing.

The letting go of attachments is the spiritual key here. The King of Cups has compassion and wisdom, and stands in his own power. Which leads us to the centre piece of the spread. It is the 9 of Coins. One of the most beautiful and auspicious cards in the tarot. It can only bring joy and a sense of contentment when it comes up. It represents security in a landscape of natural abundance, confidence in forward movement, fair weather as judged by the footwear especially, achievement that is earned through disciplined work, demonstrated symbolically by the falcon, and a physical beauty dressed in luxurious garments completes a perfect picture. Not wanting for anything. Status, financial wealth, heritage and much more. A reminder that we have everything we need. It is all here with us, as we move along to new experiences. It is good to care for ourselves. The person stands alone. December will prove to be a very personal time for us all. Perhaps less sociable or gregarious than it was experienced in the past. But there will be optimism and rewards in a turn of events that will please us.

The 9 of Coins, however, is a minor arcana card. Its impact is of the everyday life, and it has a fleeting significance. It does link all the elements of the moment together though. The air of Gemini as the full moon has brought in powerful culminations. The Sun in inspirational fiery Sagittarius motivating us to go further. A sensational Venus aspecting Neptune continues the themes of love and compassion, secretively and otherworldly. Finally, the Emperor is the third card of the spread. But as he’s looking towards the other two, we can assume he contains in him the entire narrative of the month.

The Emperor is visionary, a leader and the incarnation of masculine power. He is the ultimate. Protected by Mars in Aries – on the card and in the astrology – The Emperor dominates and commands. There is order all around him, in the natural environment and from within. So the year ends in total reversal. This is the month when we will reach the point where we feel ready to construct our future. It is taking control of our lives. Not blaming circumstances. Depending on our own gifts and talents. It is self knowledge as we’ve gone through fire and water. It is not idle talk. There is substance and authority. Fear is replaced by a sense that we have everything we need to achieve our goals. We can find stability through change and action. And this can be a celebratory generational change in which we will all participate. We know a massively influential event is taking place with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius later in the month and right on the Solstice. The Emperor heralds the clarity and sense of mission the event will bring with it for us all. The Emperor stands in for large groups of people. And so the shift in mood for the collective and inspiring insight that follows it will be part of every one of us.
