Full Moon in Gemini 30 November 2020 – by Flavia

Duality reigns supreme at the last days of November. After a very focused and combative Scorpio season, the Sun has entered Sagittarius, and the moon sheds its reflective light from the sign of Gemini. This is mutable energy aligned to the change of seasons. As if that was not enough to deal with, it is also an eclipse. Yes. It’s the full moon, 8 degrees and 38min of Gemini, happening on 30 November, at 9:30am UK time.

This is a fluid, dreamy, powerful full moon. It is a full moon about finding oneness in the other. Through union in values we will find harmony. Thoughts and actions will merge. Balance comes by merging. So maybe Scorpio season is indeed still lingering on. That’s the lesson of The Lovers in the Tarot, and especially in our spread here. The power of attraction in the hermetic as above so below has never been truer. The influence of Neptune in Pisces – another double bodied sign – comes across in all its’ many levels of manifestation, and it’s felt strongly at the moment. Certainly, The Lovers are beautiful as they speak of unconditional love and becoming one with the divine. There’s both passion and spirituality.

From the lower perspective, however, we could be found out in unsavoury situations or even engage in illicit acts of some sort or another. Venus is in Scorpio right now (doing her thing and not being squared by any of the grand planets in Capricorn, on the contrary, they seem to be in agreement with her now that she’s not trying to please anyone). And Mercury, who’s the ruler of the full moon, is somewhere nearby, also in Scorpio (not an uncomfortable placement, but, definitely, an eccentric and intense one). Paradoxes will be abundant as they come to light. The atmosphere of secretiveness and hidden emotions or facts, permeate the full moon, directing our attention towards something that has come to an end.

With the eclipse, this end – whatever it might be – is complete and final. But, meanwhile, we are going to be like The Lovers, swimming in and out of consciousness, inspired or deceived, we will find it difficult to be decisive or committed to an idea. We will be floating about unclear about our purpose, while we are faced with a promise fulfilled, a project realized, or just a situation culminating and brought out into the open. And we are going to be presented with choices, a dilemma and with having to make a decision. As things culminate, there will be pressure and urgency.

Being flanked with the 8 of Cups on one side, and the 7 of Wands on the other, our spread speaks of much potential for disappointment, disillusion, tiredness and the need to escape, walk away, or abandon trouble and challenges. As November ends in a rather dramatic fashion, we may find ourselves wanting to turn our backs to the past and the heavy sense of burden that has caused us. Healing feels far away. We are faced, at the same time, with the contradiction of an empty space, and the overwhelm of too much happening that can not be processed in one go. There are divergent forces at play. There is a sense of dislocation and dissolution.

As The Lovers continue their kinetic movement in a fire bubble, we can rise above our immediate surroundings, the grief or trauma of our personal or joint history, and walk towards a clear horizon, a future that is brighter, more open and without clutter once we make up our minds, which way to go. And eventually, as we progress into December, there will be reversals and solutions. Healing will be forthcoming. But we will have to believe in it. We will have to stay centred and stick with it. Be patience and be strong in ourselves, and fair with the others. The eclipses will continue in the axis of Gemini and Sagittarius into 2021, and so the story will continue to cover those themes. With the full moon in Gemini, there is an overall sense of optimism, of continuing to develop ideas and pursue actions that will lead to results we will be grateful for; both for us and for others.
