New Moon in Scorpio 15 November – by Flavia

It’s a new moon in Scorpio that comes full of dynamism and feminine energy. This new moon is happening on the 15th of November, when the moon and the sun are conjunct in 23 degrees and 20 minutes of Scorpio.

With the new moon there is a start of a new cycle. A new cycle of activities, and even behaviour or direction, in our own life that we can initiate under the new lunar influence with renewed purpose and energy. Under the influence of Scorpio, expect regeneration and transformation in at least one area of life. But as Scorpio is also the ruler of the eight house of death, this renewal will come through letting go, through loss, and through abandonment, in order to retain that which really matters and that which is not superfluous. Time of de-cluttering of excess. Time for serious decision making and taking action upon it. Whatever has real meaning for us, shall become a focus of strength and it will ultimately transform into something greater than us. This is a super moon and whatever comes out of it has the potential to be even better than our best imagination or higher expectation, bringing in new values and experiences. This is a new moon that trines Neptune in Pisces. The God of greater love and hope. So take note: a transcendental quality is alchemically bounded with anything we initiate during this lunation. Intuition is our power and our resilience. Ruled by Pluto, there is further harmony and depth of energies running through the new moon.

Right at that moment, Mars, the planet that represents energy, force and drive, is stationing to go direct in Aries. His home placement and the sign of the self. Mars is also the traditional ruler of Scorpio, and therefore dominates the overall energies during this time and into the rest of the month. After all, it is Mars, the God of war, empowered (and empowering us) to defend our projects and fight for our desires. Scorpio and the eight house are also money places. Hidden money, secret money and big money. Bank loans, investments, insurance, debt, and all large financial transactions are covered here. And it is also linked to sexual desire and instinct. So think big, and let’s trust our instinct. It will guide us in ways that we can access resources, in forming partnerships, intimate or professional, find support to expand our businesses, and in general attract greater opportunities in any area of life we draw our attention to. As above so below, the cards tell a similar story.

Both the Eight of Wands (Minor Arcana) and Strength (Major Arcana), are depicting feminine heroes and states of being. Strength is overcoming adversity through love and the higher power of the self. The Eight of
Wands is feminine success in business and entrepreneurship, creativity and intention. We are reaching a busy moment in our lives, and all the astrology and the tarot are saying go for it. It is happening. Movement is of the essence. It might not be perfect but events have started rolling forward, and there is no going back now. There is a feeling of rushing speed charging ahead with the Eight of Wands. Whatever we put our efforts in will be gaining momentum fast and will indeed keep accelerating. There is no time to loose. A forceful quick energy is transforming our everyday lives. Finally, there is progress in our plans and there is movement as we take action. It is not time for hesitation. Wherever we felt stuck there are reversals that mean our hard work is starting to pay off. By being focused and taking action, we are finding solutions and are starting to see positive results.

And the overpowering influence that permeates our actions is love. Venus is feeling good in her home placement of Libra and opposite Mars has a lot to say for herself. So there can be conflict. We need to fight in order to attract and connect with what we really desire. But we are not loosing sight of our goal. The Strength card represents success in our endeavours that will come though internal resilience and knowledge. There is no self doubt to hold us back. We are achieving through bravery and courage, and we are finding confidence and pride in our values, in what we do, and in how we show ourselves in the world. Mars is a feminine warrior in Scorpio. And we acquire some of that deep feeling warrior energy to fight for what really matters. As things are taking off exciting times are ahead.
