Monthly Muses by Flavia – November 2020

In November, the year 2020 reaches a cathartic and rather phenomenal month. Certainly, the whole of 2020 hasn’t disappointed astrologers anywhere and everywhere, as even the most outrageous predictions look more and more like an understatement. But it’s not over yet. The sting is in the tail. And Scorpio season promises to do just that. Sting, pierce and cut! By the middle of November, all planets will be charging ahead. Maybe some faster than others, but big and distant heavy planets, as well as closer quick moving ones, are moving forward. First Mercury, on the 3rd, and then Mars on the 14th, are stationing to move direct. Slowly they will gather momentum. The current is sweeping us along and taking us with them wherever they are in our different charts.

Moreover, Venus in Libra, Saturn in Capricorn and Mars in Aries, are all in their domicile. In other words they are operating from home. So they are strong, confident, self assured. They know what they want and they are getting it effortlessly, without force or the need to use up too much energy and resources. And these are all cardinal placements wanting to initiate, and, basically, just go for it. They don’t all want the same thing or even compatible things though. They will argue and demand to be heard. Their own values, are the only values. Each in their own way intend to attract, retain, conquer what they want. A clear indication that our own battles will come from within and from without. We will experience conflict and dissatisfaction in different ways. Spiritual or delusional (depending on perspective) Neptune is also in his domicile of dreamy Pisces. And this definitely doesn’t make things better. He, more or less, adds an other level of complication.

In all of this, the cards have a message and a story to tell that can help us move through the energies and come out happy the other side. Six of Wands, Ten of Swords and, finally, The Star, talk of empowerment through triumph and adversity. The fundamental card sitting right in the centre of the spread is the Ten of Swords. It leaves little space for interpretation or doubt. The end is final and complete. So much so that it is beyond pain or suffering. But given the display of the whole scene, it can be accidental or even unexpected. It is likely that we won’t see it coming. Let’s say that when ever this card appears, it sends shivers down the spine. We hold our breath. And yet there is comfort in it. It is that ground zero moment in life. It is the darkest hour before the dawn. We have to accept, and we have to leave behind, whatever it signifies.

Aquarius energy is the answer and the direction we are given. Aquarius will teach us how to do it. We are shedding the superfluous and we connect to source. We are making space for new experiences, new situations, new adventures. And we are starting all over again with purpose. We will achieve healing through distancing ourselves from the damage and through engaging into something that is bigger than us and that can illuminate our lives. With the release of the old, new energy flows clear and bright. Once we connect to source, we reach calm and grace. Our hopes and dreams will always shine. Inspiration is not finite. It is regenerative. There is success and a more complete future.

But where does it come from?It is already all around us. We know that we have the ability to achieve our goals because we have done it already. And so the Six of Wands is a card of taking stock. For all of us, one way or another, it is inventory time. Our past is our certain possession that no one can take away from us. Riding high on our awards, victories and glories, we can look to the past and how far we’ve come in our life history for confidence and strength.

Six of Wands indicates leadership, enthusiasm and pride as we surround ourselves with the sense of recognition for who we are. We have done a lot and we have transformed into a new state of being. At the same time, we are not alone, we have all the support we need. There is no fear or space for lack of self esteem in the Six of Wands. But the Six of Wands is also a card of change. Change is inevitable and forthcoming. The card is the first of the spread, indicating change as the greater theme for the month of November, and setting the gears in motion for the read. So while we look to our life experiences for knowledge, grounding and inspiration, it is our ability to move away and do things differently now that will lead us to success. It is not a rejection, but a realization that we need to leave the past behind – strengthened by its’ gifts and lessons – in the knowledge that we are bigger than the challenges we encounter. And perhaps because of them, we know we can overcome what ever is thrown at us. We are ready to move on to something full of magic and completely unimaginable. We can trust ourselves to get there.
