New Moon in Libra 16 October 2020 – by Flavia

For this New Moon in Libra on the 16th October, I am consulting The Light Seer’s Tarot. Intuitively, I reached out to ask for help, or it jumped out of the space to attract my attention voluntarily. One way or another, we are under multiple cosmic forces that are extraordinarily complex and intense. And this deck is simple and light. Perfect for a new moon in Libra, 23 degrees and 53 minutes, at 8.30pm UK time. The card that most of all represents new beginnings, in its purest unconditional form, is certainly The Fool. As the first card of the reading, The Fool came up straight away. This is a startling confirmation that we are at a powerful initiating moment. A moment that is text book of all beginnings and as such it is characterized by innocence, levity, the energy of forward movement yet not acted upon, a material environment surrounding it that is both actual and fantastical. The number zero and The Fool, both speak of initiations before the beginning has started. It’s the time to make a promise, to plant the seeds for future realization, to conceive of a possibility or set the sights on a particular dream to actualize.

With the Ace of Swords coming up next, this is making things more specific. That elusive thing of initiation and future action is a thing of air. Libra is a sign of air, ruled by Venus, and therefore representing Venusian qualities and aspirations. The point is to find a balance between conflicting agendas and personas, in a way that is harmonious – the Libra way. Because Libra is for ever looking for that win-win situation that comes via delegation, seeking pleasure in partnership and wanting to attract all things beautiful. But it’s not a materialistic beauty. It’s the beauty of love and justice. The beauty of ethereal eternal truth. A truth that is spiralling and elevating, that comes from the mind while we are descending into darkness. It is not rational, but it’s just. It’s neither pure feeling, nor pure logic. It is sensual but not of the senses.

At the moment, we find all those Venusian – yet masculine energies – are within confines, obstructed by barriers, and are also challenged through conflict, confrontation and violence. So this new moon with the The Fool at its helm, and the Ace of Sword at its centre, takes off in the air, destabilizing as well as carrying with it all the promises for solutions and happy outcomes to problems. Some of those problems might be of the mind, self inflicted or imaginary. But at the same time it is indicated that it is through the mind that strength will come. Remember that the Ace of Swords is also a gift.

In that sense the cycle of this new moon in Libra which starts uncertain, turbulent and loaded, concludes with empowerment and dignity. The Strength card is a certain turn around of events and outcomes, that will take us right into the next cycle of the new moon in Scorpio, with reinforced strength and resolve. By the middle of November we would have moved from cardinal air initiating Libra, to the fixed feminine water energy of Scorpio. In the next couple of weeks, turbulent and unpredictable forces will dominate. But as the seasons are settling in, we will be finding the resources to combat whatever comes our way with calmness and compassion. The Strength is also a winning card. The card that represents success by adhering to what the heart dictates. Courage is powerful. And kindness is power. Feeling pride will come up as an important theme for the conclusion of the cycle that will culminate with the full moon in Libra in six months. Venusian energies will permeate the process. It will be love ultimately that will bring confidence to our own abilities and a focus of purpose in our pursuit of happiness.
