Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 28 September 2020

This week we will journey with the Butterfly Maiden from Doreen Virtue’s Goddess Oracle. In the image we see the Butterfly Maiden in a yellow dress and with beautiful multi-coloured wings. Butterflies are released from her hands, and she appears tranquil and comfortable, holding a downward gaze. She is nested in a cave within the red rocks, and this surrounding landscape brings a fiery and protective quality to the image.

Butterfly Maiden brings a message of transformation, she knows that the time to let go of the past is here. She assures you that all you need to leave behind is falling off. The peeling of the old layers doesn’t have to be a painful process. It can be a subtle affair, and one which is continuously occurring until we have reached the very core of that which we need to let go of, and then the transformation happens. The weightlessness of the butterflies further indicate that we can now lighten our burden and fly high towards our dreams.

With the Autumn Equinox behind us, the days shorten and we are preparing for the winter months. During the darker days we have time to transform, there is no rush to reach to the destination, it will happen in its own time. With the Venusian ruled Libra we can also tap into the dual nature of our very being. Be the social creature who reaches out to your community with flair and at the same time, be the quiet introvert and bond internally with yourself and continue the dialogue of transformation. The Aries full moon which arrives this week will help us to tap into this transformation by burning off the residue of the old you and support the release of any stubborn patterns.

Meditation with the Butterfly Maiden

Try this meditation with the Butterfly Maiden.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image of the card. Observe how the Butterfly Maiden is standing tall with her colourful wings spread behind her. See how the butterflies are conducting a playful flight around the Maiden. Sense how the landscape formed of red rocks is warming and creative, and supportive. Find your restful focus point and relax.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

What is the greatest transformation in your life that you yearn for?

How can you make this real?

Additional practice – healing with the Dreaming Goddess

In this week’s additional practice we are looking at the Dreaming Goddess from the Amulets of the Goddess, Oracle of Ancient Wisdom by Nancy Blair. The amulet is based on a sculpture called the Dreaming Goddess, also known as the Sleeping Lady, which was found in a room in Hal Saflieni Hypogeum in Paola, Malta. The site is the only known European example of a subterranean labyrinth, dating to ca 4,000 B.C. to 2,500 B.C. The sculpture depicts a curvy woman who is lying on her right side on a bed, her eyes are closed and she appears to be sleeping. This might represent the practice of the rite of incubation, a spiritual practice utilised in ancient cultures, where a person sleeps in a sacred area and receives knowledge and/or healing from deities and/or ancestors.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable position. Imagine that you are in the temple of the Dreaming Goddess, lying down in a very comfortable bed. Soft coverings enfold you as your nestle into your favourite sleeping position. When you feel ready, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and relax. Feel how a golden and pink light is enveloping your aura. Then feel how the light is entering your heart chakra. It is very soothing and beautiful. Sense how the golden pink light is going down to your solar plexus, your sacral chakra, the root chakra, the knees, feet and toes, and making a connection to Mother Earth below. Then feel how the golden pink light is travelling upwards from your heart chakra to the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, the crown chakra and beyond, making a connection to the Sky Goddess above. Sense how the healing energy of the golden pink light is making a connection between all your chakras and then expanding into your whole body. Stay in the healing energy of the golden and pink light and just be. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to the Dreaming Goddess and her healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you want to heal and be still.
