Full Moon in Aries 1 October 2020 – by Flavia

On the 1st of October we have a full moon in 9 degrees and 10 minutes of Aries, at 9pm UK time, and one of the most pivotal moments of 2020 is with us. The moon influences humans, the earth, the plants, the animals, the rivers, the seas and much more besides. And so the moon’s movement is not just part of the natural world and our present, but also part of our history and culture in the way that our ancestors have traced its movement and meaning. Gods, goddesses, rituals and calendars are created, substances are consumed, stories are spoken. This time in 2020 we can find ourselves lost or overwhelmed by its powerful pull. Charity and Kali-Ma are here to guide us through the intense challenges that are coming to fullness with this moon in Aries standing opposite the Sun in Libra. Both Charity and Kali-Ma are divinities covered in flowers but the energy of red they carry with them is unmistakable. They are here to help us release the fear, the doubt and pain that has been accumulated through the past months through fire and earth.

This is the first full moon past the Equinox, which gives it an extra layer of significance. The Equinox is the time of second harvest. It is the time when we prepare for the winter, for scarcity and cold, for restriction, for darkness, for the descend. The symbolism of death and rebirth is strong. This full moon comes with a big bang. It will colour more than the next couple of weeks as it certainly sets us up for an active month both in the emotional and the experiential field. For a start Mars, the ruler of Aries, and ruler of this full moon, is in his own sign. This would normally indicate an energetic and wilful Mars out to get what he wants, being heroic, successful, physically strong, confident and accomplished. Out in the world he can be active and produce quick results. But right now he is in retrograde motion making us all feel deflated or just tired at best, frustrated and with a charged up energy without release turned inwards at worse. As if this wasn’t enough he is in conflict with big and slow planets – Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter – all in unemotional Capricorn. So his energy is further restricted and compressed having nowhere to go. And we all have Mars somewhere in our chart, as we do Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. They all make aspects which might not affect us all equally, but which do indicate for all hardship and sadness coming from Capricorn, and inflamed emotions coming from Aries. With other power players struggling to be heard, like Mercury in Libra, it will be hard to resolve unfairness or set priorities in our lives.

Much that is happening at the moment is problematic and it’s being illuminated in an emphatic way on the 1st October. There is no getting away or hiding from the rays of the full moon. But Venus could save us. She is in Leo and later in Virgo where she will be making comforting connections to Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. Anything that comes from the heart and that is authentic carries with it the power of salvation.

We are reminded that something new is trying to get through once we look fear in the eye and move away from it. Love then can replace fear to create something much more meaningful in life. That’s how the miracles can come through. Kali-Ma as a goddess of death and rebirth brings old cycles to an end and initiates others. Her divine feminine powers carry a fierce energy. All signs point to the fact that this phase of life is undergoing a total transformation. But not everything is in our power to change or even influence. There is intensity and a high level of shock factor in the mix. So trust the process and call Kali-Ma to help release fear and step into a space that is focused and courageous. Call on Charity to help connect with a higher good for the self and others. She will help connect with intuition. A healing wave of kindness in the many individual ways that it can be expressed will inspire and bring forward movement. Welcome Charity and do ask. Connect with ancestors and ancient rituals of the autumn season. Take time for a quiet space and breathe. Through fire and flowers, prayer and goodness gifts are forthcoming. Remain steadfast and prepare to receive.
