New Moon in Virgo 17 September 2020 – by Flavia

New Super Moon in Virgo, on the 17th of September, when the doors open for our dreams to merge with reality, the everyday to become magical, and our faith and grand hopes to materialise in the small things of life. This is the Virgo-Pisces axis of work and healing, movement and rearrangement, abstract and pragmatic, bringer of Jupiterian and Mercurial gifts. It is most of all a time of endings.

At 12 moon UK time the Sun and Moon are in Virgo, 25 degrees. Time to set new intentions and start planning in a serious way what we want to bring into our life. Something has come to an end to make space for something new. Our past can be a resource and a strength, but it does not equal the future, which we are now in the process of creating. Our guardians for this supper moon are St. Germain and Mother Mary. So we don’t have to go it alone. There is cosmic support during this opportunity to make our highest dreams a lived reality. It is not going to happen all at once but the seeds are sewn now.

Natural herbs and remedies for healing are advised during this time while we prepare ourselves and the environment for a change in season. In fact this new moon is all about change and about healing. Dealing with change in a way that is not damaging but rather brings forward the possibility for a greater advancement on the one hand, and that is discerning enough to know what to keep from what is already there. We can hold on to what we can use to our benefit and to the greater benefit of others, but the rest that is superfluous has to go.

Our guides are telling us that in order to welcome in the new we have to let go of old perceptions and in particular the need to always be right. During this time of great conflict, as everything is competing up in the sky for visibility. And down on earth for dominance and the ability to be seen and be heard, we are experiencing many levels of karma, and of cause and effect. Some karma we inherit and some karma we create. It doesn’t matter what the situation might be, St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame, is helping us clear our energy to bring in higher dreams and aspirations by releasing old patterns. St. Germain is a powerful energy that will help us connect with the right people, find our true partners, dissolve social limitations and assist in our advancement beyond what we thought was possible. Mother Mary is showing us the road through faith and peace to move in our own life. She embodies unconditional love and acceptance. This must be our guide. As the path gets clearer and clearer, we move in with choosing and making our own happiness
