Monthly Muses by Flavia – September 2020

Here comes September 2020 to drown us in emotion, magic and nostalgia. The month starts with a big, super luminous full moon in Pisces. The Lady Nada, Queen of Vessels, Neptune, the Nereids and all deities of the sea, rivers and lakes rise and overwhelm us in dream energy. A full moon is also a culmination (something I am sure I have said before). So now this culmination in Pisces can bring about dreams and wishes of what is possible. Our emotions are freeing us as they dissolve barriers. In Pisces the illumination of the full moon will reveal to us ways we can be liberated and exalted. It’s the 12 house(the house of everything that is hidden and where we ascend), the last sign of the zodiac. A time of endings, of revelations. Secrets are out with the Lady of the Vessels. The Queen of faith of what is possible. We know everything we need to know before the seasons change from Summer to Autumn. Venus at the time of the full moon is in the water sign of Cancer and in opposition to the big planets in Capricorn. Emotions, protection and sensitivity come against seriousness, higher authority and outside forces restricting access to resource. Inner world and outer world collide.

But Venus, in everyone of us, still wants harmony, beauty, love, and she tends to find ways of attracting what which fulfils her. In September, it is happening through the Eight of Coins. So as we move into the month we realize more and more the earth energy of the Sun in Virgo. At the same time big planets are transiting in slow motion through Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. One way or another we are getting grounded. This is the larger theme of September. If we want to set ourselves up for Venusian success – emotionally and financially – to create and bring beautiful things into our life, we need to follow a daily routine, embrace repetition, observe a disciplined way of doing things. The Eight of Coins is not just about being absorbed in craftsmanship and developing new skills. It’s also about having pride in achievement that comes from dedication, concentration, attention to detail, and humility in applying ourselves to something greater than us. We are having Mars in Aries until January 2021. So self worth and knowing the self is at the top of our drive at the moment. And with so many planets (Venus, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn and later Mercury) in cardinal signs, we
are concerned about big systems and authority. Our leadership power and confidence to initiate the new will come from our inner mastery. That mastery which comes from having performed the same task time after time, with intensity and purpose, having followed a materials based system, often by having to sacrifice out-worldly pleasures in order to exclusively perfect an aspect, a particular knowledge or skill, will give us authority. In other words, our mastery is our authority. And we are right in taking pride in it and displaying our achievement for everyone to see and note, to decorate and exchange, to acknowledge and display.

The month will go from a dreamy, revelatory and liberating energy, to hard work and confrontation, fighting for what we believe in and what is worth having. We literally go from water to fire. The Two of Batons or the Two of Wands tells us that the flame of inspiration is lit. The torch of desire is ready to start a big fire, everything is possible, now it’s time of planning and getting out of our comfort to experience new worlds in any sphere of life. We are at the beginning of realizing new objectives and goals that will expand what we thought was possible, and we are taking our mastery and dreams with us. Leaving our familiar surroundings doesn’t mean forgetting. We are going to be going through some big shifts and planetary oppositions in the next few months, so it’s important to understand our personal strengths and value what we believe in. We can feel excited for what’s ahead of us. For the rest, we can trust fire to turn complexity into simplicity, and get rid of anything that we don’t need to take with us.
