Full Moon in Pisces 2 September 2020 – by Flavia

On September 2, at 5:21am UK time, and 10 degrees, 11 minutes, we have a full moon in Pisces. A full moon of grounding and reflecting. Dreams come alive as we can now connect with our mission. Our aspirations are not materialized yet but the vision is forming. Earth and Mirror Guardians stand by us, while the most beautifully dreamy and non-binary moon of the year is coming to fullness. Despite the double bodied signs of Pisces and Virgo, we are at a point of merging.

Now is the time for slowing down and living the miracles of life in an easy unassuming way. It is about taking stock in practical ways. And it is also about being thankful about all the gifts that are coming to us, or those that are here already. We are by now away from the heart palpitation and blood head-rush of the Leo season. The Sun giver of life has entered Virgo, and so we move from the largess of the height of summer to the discernment and focused attention to the smallest detail brought on by the change in season. We are planning for winter. The energies change and we change. It is time to look within and this full moon is the perfect time for reflection. In fact, it is not so much of a choice but rather of cosmic release that is stronger than us. Outside forces are with us, allowing the energies to carry us with them. All that is hidden get illuminated. Hidden things are revealed. We don’t have to guess or imagine. We can reflect. The facts are the facts and they are obvious. This full moon will show us what it is that we need to know once we stay open to the energies of visualization and reflection. This is an active full moon that does not support activity on any level in terms of pushing projects forward and moving ahead with our life plans. We literally have to go with the flow. As it stands at the axis of Virgo-Pisces it bring answers to problems with genius inspiration by moving from ego to self mastery.

With the Sun in Virgo, our attention is on what needs to be done in a practical, responsible way. There is worry and fear about scarcity of resources that is inherent in the process. And there is a lot of earth tangible material to work with. The Earth Guardian’s message is, take time to connect deeply with the energy of Earth so that you can feel supported and make decisions based on strength. rushing through activities and decisions will only precipitate missing out on growth. Be considerate and connect with your centre.

The Pisces full moon right next to Neptune dissolves what is mundane and ordinary, she brings in the magic of imagination and possibility. We can still draw in what we want. Mirror Guardian is asking us to take time and reflect on our strengths and challenges in order to recognize how far we’ve come and give thanks. This is a full moon of strength and beauty. We have to approve of ourselves even if we feel we go unappreciated or unacknowledged. Our ideas are reflected back to us by our world. So let’s take time to note all our recent experiences and those that have the most meaning in our life. Give ourselves credit, breathe with confidence, like what we see and smile.
