New Moon in Leo 18/19 August 2020 – by Flavia

The most gregarious and joyful new moon of the year is here. Heart energy, creativity and love permeate. A call to action by aspect and the authority of leadership is manifest magic. It is happening on the 18th or 19th of August, 26 degrees and 35 mins of Leo, at 3:42 UK time. Powerful Master El Morya represents executive decision making, self-assurance, and statesmanship. He is the ruler of the first ray. He is calling us to be courageous in taking initiative and selectively choose from the heart where we direct our ambition in order to succeed. There is a lot of cardinal energy of change and leadership with this new moon, as four planets are in cardinal signs. And a lot of immovability is also present with four planets in fixed signs. We will all want our own way and stay there fixed. So nothing will come easily, as compromise will be necessary. But the energy within, is the energy-of-go.

Externally, there are barriers. Physical or otherwise. As with all new moons this in the time of incubation and inspiration, of planting the seeds of what we want to grow in our life. We have to choose wisely. Our efforts, we can be sure, are supported by Master El Morya and will eventually bring forth unimaginable fruits. The outcome will be felt further down the line, during this lunar cycle, and within the next six months.

So we have the strong and very combative energy of the self, empowered by a dynamic Mars in Aries, which is aspecting this new moon, and by extension everything we initiate under its influence. At the same time a square to planets Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn signaling that there are limits to how we can operate, that there is outside control – larger than us both in depth and magnitude – restricting our actions. This unwanted situation can, however, bring a pragmatism and a grounding energy in action. How these contradictory forces will shape our selves and our environment very much depends on us. Master El Morya’s influence encourages us to resist being impulsive, reactive or argumentative, but operating from an illuminated internal space steel ourselves with resolve towards a specific goal. That will lead us through the Leo energy of love to genuine independence and desired freedom. It will be electric. It is possible. And it will happen, because we will make it happen.

Isis, in the Kyle Grey oracle deck, is explicitly associated with a positive outcome, with a miracle in the making. Isis mother goddess – and sister and wife of Osiris – as patron of magic, supports passionate creativity throughout. Challenges will be turned into opportunities. Isis operates within the realms of life and death. Through love she brings back life and wholeness. She holds the eternal faith within us as she performs miracles. In the energy of knowing who we are, we are finding new ways to take care of what matters to us and bring it to existence. We are discovering new ways to be real, and we can channel confidence in speech and action at this moment. With a grand trine in fire – Mars in Aries, Mercury, Sun and Moon in Leo, and South Node in Sagittarius – we are optimistic, we are fired up to see our-self differently and excited to get ready for business, for achievement, for life. Feminine and masculine divine power are united as both sun and moon come together in Leo. For this the new moon in Leo is magical; it is protected, it is creative, and it is beautiful.
