Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 3 August 2020

Our journey this week is with Openness, an illuminating card from Denise Linn’s Sacred Destiny oracle cards, depicting the full moon against the heavenly constellations. The image of the full moon shows her shining brightly in the dark night sky, her beautiful rotund shape is surrounded by golden starred astrological and mythological beings. Clouds are visible below the moon, indicating that we too can rise from an obscured vision and find illumination.

This card arrives with the message of being still and open to receiving messages, and not making any hasty decisions but instead tuning into our soul to hear the answers. It is a card that confirms to observe all which is around us, and remaining open to what the universe has planned for us. We are encouraged to remain open to positive surprises and miracles, which will arrive in the least expected way.

With the full moon in Aquarius gracing our skies, discussed by Flavia here, we may feel a nudge to connect with other realms, those which give us hope and courage and bring us closer to our soul’s clarity. In Leo season our personal dreams and desires to shine and to truly follow our heart is amplified and presently we may feel stuck in isolation and frustrated. Know that this too shall pass and connect to your own inner wisdom and gather your strength so that you too can be ready to express yourself when the long silence begins to speak again.

Meditation with Openness

Try this meditation with the Openness card.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image of the card. Notice the white sheen of the big round full moon against the dark starlit sky. Observe how the golden stars are twinkling and forming shapes which speak to your soul. The clouds have given way to a new beginning, and they are letting the moon shine brightly to illuminate and clear thoughts and release the past. This is a space of complete openness, to be here and now.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

How can you let your emotions be fully expressed in a truthful way?

What do you feel when knowing that you can be and do all that you wish?

Additional practice – clearing internal and external communication with Labradorite

Labradorite is a stunning stone, a feldspar mineral, and made up of layers which reflect the light, and it is found in a variety of colours, such as blue-green, blue, lavender-blue, yellow, yellowish-green, purple and pink. Its’ name comes from Labrador in Canada, where it was first found. Labradorite awakens your own magical abilities to communicate with the universe and with your own inner cosmic realm. It is a stone of change and transformation and pushes one to follow one’s dreams to the fullest. Labradorite enhances psychic gifts and it operates from and for the highest good for all. It is an excellent crystals for the throat, third eye, crown and soul star chakras and it develops the ability to communicate clearly. Labradorite promotes adventure and excitement and gives you confidence to go where you have not been before. It helps us to look beyond and through the veil clouding the spirit and the earthly world. Labradorite also protects the aura and prevents any energy leakage, and it recharges the body, mind and soul. It is a helpful stone when looking for your true destiny and life purpose, and it will surprise you with its’ answers and positive support and outlook enabling change.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable position. Place the Labradorite on your throat chakra and take a few deep breaths and relax. Tune into the sparkling blue colour of Labradorite and feel how it is cleansing and opening your throat chakra. Feel how the blue energy of Labradorite is travelling down to your heart chakra, your solar plexus, sacral chakra, the root chakra, the knees, feet and toes, and connecting you to the Earth below. Feel how the calming Labradorite energy is going upwards from your throat chakra to the third eye chakra, the crown chakra and then beyond, making a connection to the vast cosmic knowledge above. Sense how the cleansing energy of Labradorite creates a link between all your chakras, and feel how the calming blue energy is going deep into your soul and expanding into your whole body. Stay in the cleansing energy of Labradorite and feel how your throat chakra is cleansed and filled with clarity for your to communicate both outward and inward. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Labradorite for its’ healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you want to tune into your deep soul knowing with the energy of Labradorite.
