New Moon in Cancer 20 July 2020 – by Flavia

A New Moon in Cancer is happening on 20 July, 28 degrees and 26 minutes, at 6:32 pm UK time. White Eagle is a card of ancestry and with it comes a message of wisdom that this new moon is not just a new beginning but also a culmination. It is a link to the past that wraps up a series of events that might even have evolved through generations, and by the decisions and actions of ancestors. We are living through ancestral power as we are coming into our own. It signals a series of occurrences right at the very roots of our existence. We have come a long way in our lineage and we can use thisĀ  moment to give gratitude, to catch our breath with the view to forge a strong trajectory towards what we want for our future, and a sense of fulfilment. We will be feeling reflective and energised. It’s summer after all. Things are growing. We want to get things done. But it’s a time both of looking back to what we have accomplished as much as looking ahead to what we are in the process of creating now.

A new moon is for certain a new energy, especially as this one takes place in the sign of Cancer. A cardinal sign and a sign of leadership. And this one is also a blue moon. The second new moon in the sign of Cancer. The first was at zero degrees in June signalling an inception. This one at 28 degrees is signalling a mature initiation. It is happening just as Cancer season is about to wrap up. Across the sky and in opposition to Capricorn, where we have Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, bringing obstacles, intensity and an out of proportion energy, we better concentrate our powers towards self care and protection of self. It will come from family and intimacy, friends and our immediate environment. The sun will quickly move into Leo and so the energies will shift, but the impact of our actions will be long lasting. We can take our emotions and our long ancestral journey and bring them out to light as we start something new, confident that we can conquer challenges – with us, as our greatest strength and ally, we have our ancestors, our past and the knowledge of who we really are. Our internal hard earned emotional wisdom will not let us down.

With this new moon there is a sense of maturation and regeneration. We can set our intention for new projects and a manifestation of a new order in our lives that is better aligned with both our personhood and desires – for who we are and who we want to be.
