New Moon in Cancer & Solar Eclipse 20/21 June 2020 – by Flavia

The oracle advice for the New Moon in Cancer 0 degrees, happening on the 21st June, at 6:41 UK time, comes from the Shield Maiden. It is about holding back and taking in the energy before moving forward. She is the female Knight in shining armour – strong, heroic, protective – cautioning us to have a plan before taking action. Her message is not to jump into conclusions and to be properly prepared on all accounts. The Shield Maiden, beautiful and in splendid armour, reminds us of the importance of strategy over muscle, and of time over impulse.

A New Moon is about beginnings, and in particular when it is in Cancer, a cardinal sign, and therefore a pivotal place of initiation, and leadership. The 0 degree a couple of hours later falls right on the Solstice point, and just next to the north node in Gemini, giving it further momentum. Moreover, the moon is in a dynamic relationship to Mars in Pisces, and to Neptune also in Pisces. The energy of the God of war flowing harmoniously with the movement of the moon drifting along the power of the God of the seas and of higher love. The moon represents our body, our self, our person in the most subjective way, but the energy of the solar eclipse creates an active external energy that will be felt by everybody. We will all be affected within, by a force or a crisis that will come from without.

Change will happen from the environment but it will mark us internally. Note that at the same time this is going on, six planets are retrograding, each one having its own character and making itself felt in different parts of our chart, with various degrees of influence, it is clearly a sign of lessons to be repeated, to go over, to re think. There is a strong argument for a massive overhaul and re- assessment of needs and wants. A re-evaluation of what is most significant to us in life to feel complete and to feel worthy.

This year we have six eclipses, which is more than usual, charging us to change. Normally we have four. For evolutionary astrologers, this one happening on the 20th or 21st June (depending on our location) is designated as the most powerful. Because of where it is, and because of the relationships it forms with other planets, all eyes are on this new moon solar eclipse. It is sitting between two lunar eclipses. The full moon eclipse in Sagittarius on 5 June, and a Capricorn full moon eclipse on 5 July.

And so to come back to the oracle and the Shield Maiden, there is a lot of sensitivity during this time, and protection will be a need and a necessity, if we don’t want to find ourselves exposed and defeated by events. The Shield Maiden is divine guidance urging us to have a plan while tapping into our own protective warrior quality. We can be beautiful and strong, powerful and sensitive, intelligent and loving. Our ancestors are guiding us towards a better future for all. It is a transitional period. The effects of what we do now will be felt in months ahead as the seasons change and the energies settle.
