New Moon in Gemini 21 May 2020 – by Flavia

The New Moon in Gemini is arriving with such sprinting exuberant energy that it’s almost impossible to even write about it. It is happening at 2 degrees and 4 minutes Gemini, on the 22nd of May 2020, at 6:38pm BST. The time for partnering, and the time for sharing, and manifesting coupling structures for support and experience is hitting hard. Yes, planets are retrograde, including personal planet Venus attracting love, abundance and beauty, and going into a reflective re-evaluating gear. She’s traveling together with Mercury bringing healing and creativity in all things harmonious and pleasing.

But it’s the connection of the new moon to Mars that it’s throwing the spanner into the works. Mars the god of war represents our will to go out and perform, conquer, protect, activate plans and energize projects. It is physical power and physical desire directed outwards. We just can’t sit around this moment in time. It will cause frustration and impatience because of barriers imposed to our movement and expression from within and from without. Lots of mutable energy too, with Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury in Gemini, both challenged and enhanced, by further mutable energy of the Neptune and Mars in Pisces. This makes for a changeable landscape and the need coming from within us to be adaptable. We should not commit to anything at the moment, nor fix ourselves to an idea or situation, and we would not want to do that anyway. But the need is for gathering information and revealing data. And possibly we are going to find ourselves jumping from one thing to another, past, present and future with equal enthusiasm and might. Indecision will reign supreme.

The energy will be creative and versatile. No need to hold back. We are being protected by the divergent energy of the new moon in Gemini. It is a call to drop the shield of resistance and fear, because they stand in the way of enjoying what life has to offer, and the joy of living through our own creative gifts. It is the time to move beyond limiting thoughts, emotions or patterns as this new moon brings an opening up of opportunities to clear out the clogging stuff that gets in our way. With the Protection Guardian we enter a new space in a new beginning, that is more loving and where we are more interconnected. Perfect time for a new intention to set goals under the protection of the female Guardian to raise our aspirations, to come together and to reach further afield. We are stronger than we think.
