New Moon in Taurus 23 April 2020 – by Flavia

Let us talk about our values. Direction Guardian is setting us towards new intentions with courage and mental clarity in choosing the path that is in harmony with our heart and soul. A healing and soothing new moon is happening in Taurus 3 degrees and 24minutes, at 3:25am BST (Greenwich time, London, UK).

Taurus is stability and earthly pleasures. It is our base. A focus on what we love and value in an uncomplicated way. It is the physical and sensual aspects of life, growth and abundance, that would normally dominate this time of year and are associated with Taurus energy. But the Direction Guardian is a rather busy card suggesting many options are available. And it appears to suggest a more spiritual than grounding energy is around. More frivolous and with a disruptive quality to it. Several directions are opening up and other opportunities are possible. How does that make sense? Well, we will have to look at Venus, the ruler of Taurus, to make sense of it all. Where is she? What is she up to? Well, of course she’s already in Gemini, where she will retrograde in May. Not only this, but she intends to be staying in Gemini until the 8th of August. An unusually long time. So let’s dive in and see what it means. Direction Guardian reminds us that the future is not set in stone. We are creating and renewing our path all the time. And Venus in Gemini is helping us along here, where she is about business, the supply of goods and services, commerce, mental and physical travel, speaking, writing, learning and communicating in general. Moreover, during her retrograde she will help us reassess our transportation and how we move about, what we need to communicate and what matters to us. This is one aspect of the transit we will be going over.

Then new moon in Taurus will get the Venus in our chart activating ways to rethink how we use our resources. Gemini is inquisitive and restless, and Venus in Gemini is more curious than ever, wanting to learn and to do things with enthusiastic spirit. And Uranus energy will enhance how we feel and how we think as events unfold. This is because a very dynamic Uranus is sitting nearby the new moon and he will activate innovative ways we will want to go about doing things. Our emotions will bubble up and our hands will keep us alert and busy. New hobbies, crafts and artistic expressions will help us find new ways to appreciate beauty and to be our selves in the world.

And there’s more. Venus relation to Mars in Aquarius will be pushing along for more useful organising and planning, communicating and bringing goods about through a wider spectrum of possibilities. Where there is a will, there is a way. Groups and a collective energy will be activated and will give us the channel we need to express what ultimately is closest to our hearts.

The Direction Guardian refers to a vision where there are many directions we can take without right or wrong, and without judgement. Our discernment and our values will not fail us. We are about to set our intentions for security and abundance with inspiring innovation in resources, and an openness to newness, as a way to finding comfort and fulfilment. Let us choose our path according to our higher values. This will be an intention with longevity. It will run and run.
