Mid-Month Musings by Flavia – 14 April 2020

The three cards that came up to help us navigate through the second half of April are: Gemini, Aquarius, Jupiter. Lets try and unpack what they are trying to tell us. We can find an astrological story recounted in their randomness.

The energies of the whole of April are influenced by the movement of Venus. Venus is the ruler of both the full moon in Libra and the new moon in Taurus that are happening in April. The moon is events, is fast moving and it is our emotions. So what happens with the moon is what happens to us. Big power players and distant planets are dominating the scene and the collective. They are important and they are forceful. But on the ground and in our intimate lives, Venus herself is the energy that is felt the strongest right now. She entered Gemini, and, by the middle of April, she is slowly-slowly going through her shadow period to enter into her retrograde motion in mid-May. Therefore everything Gemini is activated through her. It is generally considered a light energy. With the new moon in Taurus that cares about stability and comfort, it will be well appreciated to have some of that love of curiosity to keep the juices flowing. We will be finding beauty in artistic expression, doing things with our hands and engaging in hobbies, all of which represent a Venus aspect in Gemini. And a harmonious expression devoid of judgement will help us along to communicate under the rather restricted conditions we are faced with during this time.

The Venusian powers in Gemini will be greatly enhanced by Mars who’s active in Aquarius and in a positive flow with Venus. Mars is our will and confidence, and in Aquarius it will bring a much more collective energy into the arena of the self. While Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, sits in Taurus, and is illuminated by the Sun and the new moon in Taurus, a much more progressive and innovative expression is about to burst into the scene. By all accounts it will be unexpected and will arrive out of nowhere. It tends to be described as technological and visionary – a breakthrough – but it’s hard to say what in practice it actually is. It’s worth bearing in mind though, that from Gemini to Aquarius, we are moving from something that mutates to something that is stable. So the fleeting, changeable quality that permeates is shifting to something that is harder to change. The Martian energy will channel into an abstract and scientific purpose.

Finally, we have Jupiter. With all such fast moving air energies about we could be forgiven for forgetting the grand influence that Jupiter exerts over everything as he is slowly moving through the signs. In Capricorn and near Pluto – slightly away from Saturn – he can now express himself less constrained, with more intensity and with practical outcomes. But he’s still in his fall. So Jupiterian themes have a dark aspect of disintegration and corruption. As Jupiter represents luck and growth these aspects will be impeded by the wider picture. He’s still able however to overwhelm us with large quantities of stuff, take over events as he swallows up other players, and bring about dynamic and transformative events that would change something fundamental in us and in the world around us. Our experiences in aspects of life that have to do with order, faith, knowledge and truth in the status quo sign of Capricorn, which Jupiter is not leaving until his job is done, will take us further and beyond the end of April.
