Spring Equinox blessings by Mirasol – 20 March 2020

The arrival of the Spring Equinox brings us Coventina, a Celtic Goddess of oceans, lakes, streams, ponds and rivers. She is a protector of water and their inhabitants. The image depicts her naked, rising from the ocean with rainbow coloured streams of water flowing out of and into her. In her right hand she holds a cup and in her left hand an exotic bird. She wears a shell crown on her head and another shell is attached with a golden chain.

Coventina asks us to cleanse and detox our body and mind from chemicals and harsh thoughts. Listen to your body’s messages as you move throughout the day. Since we are made up water, Coventina reminds us to stay hydrated so that we can stay in balance. Her rainbow streams of water reminds us to keep our chakras clean, this will help us to focus. Since she is associated with environmentalism she may direct you to take better care of your home, your outdoor as well as your indoor space can benefit from a space clearing. Wishing wells were made in Coventina’s honour, and she may ask you to create your own wishing well to make one or several wishes to manifest your deepest dreams.

With the Spring Equinox arriving we enter Aries realm and the start the astrological new year. Since the Ram rules the head, we can work with Coventina’s cleansing directives purify our thoughts. This will aid us to focus on the higher purpose of our mission in the current world events, and inspire us to re-think our intentions to serve the greater whole.

Meditation with Coventina

Try this meditation with Coventina.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image of Coventina and how she is opening herself up to the world. She is naked, rising up from the ocean, and purifying/being purified by the rainbow coloured water. By offering you the cup and the bird, symbols of emotion and peace, she brings you symbols to contemplate on. She wishes for you to find balance through cleansing body, soul and mind. Stay in the waves of the water and let them lull you into a comfortable and calm state of mind.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

What do you wish to fill your cup?

How can you cleanse and detox your inner and outer space?

Additional practice – chakra tune up with Rutilated quartz

Rutilated quartz is clear quartz containing pieces of rutile, strands of a titanium dioxide mineral, sometimes with iron oxide. It is also called Venus’ hair stone because of the shimmering golden strands. Rutilated quartz enhances intuition by connecting us to a higher realm of angelic helpers. It is uplifting and cleansing and brings a buzz of a joy. Rutilated quartz helps with manifesting since it connects your wishes to your soul-source. It is a wonderful crystal to meditate with and it brings messages of clarity and comfort. It is useful when wanting to cleanse, connect and tune up the chakras by connecting you to a deeply healing dimension of angelic energy.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable position. Place the Rutilated quartz on your third eye. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Sense how the Rutilated quartz is purifying your third eye chakra, removing all tension and worries. Then feel how the golden energy of the Rutilated quartz is travelling down to your throat chakra, heart, solar plexus, sacral chakra, root chakra, knees, feet, toes and connecting you to Mother Earth. Feel how the energy is going all the way back up from your feet to the third eye, and then continuing up to the crown chakra and beyond. Sense how the cleansing and strengthening energy of Rutilated quartz is connecting all your chakras with a beam of golden light. Stay in the illuminating energy of Rutilated quartz and feel how your chakras are cleansed, connected and tuned to their correct frequencies. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Rutilated quartz and its’ healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you wish to tune up your chakras and connect to the angelic realm.
