Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 9 March 2020

Corn Woman greets us this week, she is holding a bowl of blue corn in her right hand and a corn cob in her left hand. She stands in front of the four directions, east, south, west and north, of the South-western Native American cosmovision, wearing a green dress in the shape of maize leaves and a white cape. Her headdress is embellished with white feathers and the colours of the directions, and her face is decorated with two black lines. She is wearing white beaded bracelets and necklaces, and maize stalks grow from her heart centre.

Corn Woman asks us if we have nurtured ourselves physically, spiritually and mentally? She brings a message of cleanliness and proper sustenance and asks us to re-evaluate our relationship with food. Have we developed bad eating habits and a fear of food? Corn Woman tells us to form a sacred relationship to our meals and engage in eating as nourishment, from the best ingredients we can procure. Further, she is blessing us with the wisdom of the earth, and guides us to respect the land we live on so that we receive grounded knowledge of nourishment to stay balanced. The directional colours behind Corn Woman create a cosmic wheel which turns in an eternal cycle, hence finding peace through being one with what we consume, we become part of this greater whole.

Under the full moon in Virgo we may feel that clutter is everywhere and Corn Woman reminds us to cleanse mental, physical and people clutter from our lives. By keeping a clean space, outwards and inwards, we gain harmony and stay in the now. Preparations for sacred nourishment take time but Corn Woman asks us to have patience and to fully engage in this mission. We are supported by the celestial events as outlined in Flavia’s full moon report here and we can trust the aspects influencing this passage of time.

Meditation with Corn Woman

Try this meditation with Corn Woman.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image of Corn Woman and how strong she stands, holding the sacred and nourishing corn in both hands. Observe how the cosmic directional wheel behind her is creating sacred space. Tune into the balanced energies of Corn Woman, her gaze is both blessing and grounding you. Take note of the colours in the image and which one is calling you. The blue corn is calming, while the white of her feathers, cape and jewellery is purifying. The green is balancing and the yellow is energising.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

What is your personal relationship with Mother Earth?

How can you create sacred nourishment in your daily life?

Additional practice – cleansing and balancing your aura with Emerald

Emerald is a stone from the beryl family, which also includes aquamarine, and the beautiful colour of emerald is created by chromium or vanadium. Emerald received its name from the Old French or Vulgar Latin versions of Esmeraulde, Esmaralda or Esmaraldus. Before this it was called Marakata in India, “the green of growing things” and in antiquity, a Persian word translated into Greek as Smaragdus, meaning “green stone,” was used. Emerald has a hexagonal structure, with a cleansing, balancing and inspirational energy. It is a powerful healer of the heart and heart related issues, those suffering from love will benefit from Emerald healing loss and emotional attachments. Emerald also enhances divine sight and the connection to the heart’s divine calling. It has a soothing energy for those who feel anxious and hide their true emotions, and it can also revive a tired body and mind. Thus emerald works closely with the individual to bring the necessary healing by adjusting the lack/excess of the various energy channels. Wearing Emerald on the body over a longer time brings positivity, hope and sense of higher purpose.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable position. Place the Emerald by your crown chakra. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Sense how the Emerald is enfolding your crown chakra, gently cleansing and balancing it. Then feel how the green colour of the Emerald is travelling down to your third eye, your throat chakra, heart, solar plexus, sacral chakra, root chakra, the knees, feet, toes and going all the way down to Mother Earth. Pause for a moment and sense the connection with the Emerald. Then feel how the green ray of Emerald is spreading outwards, into your aura and all its fields, first cleansing away stuck energy and then nourishing the auric field. Stay in the sacred energy of Emerald and feel how your aura is cleansed, strengthened and expanded, and synchronised with your whole being. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Emerald and its’ healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you wish to cleanse, balance and strengthen your aura.
