Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 22 February 2020

This week, with the Pisces season underway, we meet Nut, the Egyptian Goddess of the night sky. She is the celestial vault whose body is holding the dark space of night time with its stars and planets. In the image we see Nut personified as beautiful woman in a white gown, wearing golden jewellery and the cow-horns of Hathor and Isis. She is stretching her hands to the starry night sky and the three moons above, and there are sparkles of mystic dust radiating from her palms.

Nut asks us if we have made our life too safe by planning and labelling everything, living every day with a ‘knowing it all’ attitude and not leaving any space for the unknown, the mystery, to enter. She reminds us that there is indeed much mystery left in the universe and she urges us to trust that the mystery will let in exactly what we need in our journey to wholeness. Since Nut is both the night sky and upholds it, she reminds us of our ability to both contain and create the mystery. Encountering the three moons may awaken our innate and ancient knowledge of the maiden, mother and wise woman, which we all hold inside, irrespective of age and experience. Her healing hands radiating sparkles is a reminder to trust your intuition in the unravelling of the mystic in you.

The Pisces season activates our astrological 12th house of imagination and the unknown, now is a portent time to pay attention to how your unconscious is calling and perhaps challenging you. Ensure you have enough sleep to allow for the filtration and reception of cosmic messages relevant only to you, and remember to tune in to the Pisces new moon. Start a dream journal, of both night and day dreams, to increase your receptivity to the mystery.

Meditation with Nut

Try this meditation with Nut.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image of Nut and how she is reaching her arms to the night sky, palms facing up, being both the holder and receptor of the Mystery. Observe the calming deep blue of the sky and the luminosity of the shining stars and the three moons. Sense how the colour and light are radiating calming and illuminating energy and helping you to connect to your inner mystic.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

What is your personal mystery?

What can you do to receive unconditionally?

Additional practice – connecting to your abundant and mystical heart with Sapphire

Sapphire is a variety of corundum, an aluminium oxide mineral, and it can be transparent to opaque, it is found in a variety of colours such as green, pink, violet and yellow. Blue is considered the true colour of Sapphire and it can appear in pale to dark royal blue, to indigo. The most highly desired colour of Sapphire is cornflower blue, called Kashmir or bleu de roi. The name Sapphire comes from the Latin sapphirus, Greek sappheiros, and Sanskrit sanipryam, meaning “blue stone.” Historically, it was worn by ancient Greeks seeking answers at the Oracle of Delphi, Buddhists used it for devotional and spiritual enlightenment, and for the Hindu, Sapphire were offered in temples and also used for aligning astrological influences. Blue Sapphire is a stone of spiritual truth and mystic communication, and it has been long revered as a royal stone. It is connected to an abundant state of being and it is one of the ancient stones of wisdom. Sapphire grounds and protects empaths who tend to absorb emotional outbursts from other people as their own. It is calming and cooling, and helps those prone to anxiety to step back, pause and breathe.

For the healing ceremony, sit in a cross-legged position on the floor, or on a chair with the feet firmly planted on the floor. Hold the Sapphire between your palms in prayer position at your heart chakra. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Sense how the Sapphire is embracing your heart chakra with abundant blue energy. Then feel how the Sapphire blue is travelling down to your solar plexus, sacral chakra, root chakra, knees, feet, toes and connecting to Mother Earth. Pause for a moment and sense the connection with the Sapphire. And then feel how the blue energy is travelling upwards from your heart chakra to the throat, the third eye and the crown chakra. Sense how the calming vibration of Sapphire is grounding you, and making a connection between all of your chakras. Stay in the sacred energy of Sapphire and feel how your heart is a mystical well of abundance. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Sapphire and its’ healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you wish to connect to your mystical and abundant heart space.
