Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 6 February 2020

The fiery Dragon Goddess guides us this week, in the card she is depicted as a flame-haired woman with a white cloth around her hips, casually sitting on a red Dragon, whose body is made up of flames. In her hand, the Goddess holds a staff with a shining star. The card brings a message of good luck, abundance and positive change. Something which has been waiting to manifest is now coming into being. The wise ancient Dragon brings confidence and also grounding energy, she wants the best for you. With her star-staff, the Goddess blesses and illuminates the way for success to find you and advises you to follow the light and to find the place where you feel most inspired and at peace.

This weekend’s full moon in Leo asks us to celebrate our creative gifts. Embrace your uniqueness and your talents. Together the Dragon and the Goddess guide us to unleash our ideas and ask us not to be afraid of expressing who we are anymore. In Flavia’s moon musings we are guided to expand our minds by employing our Traveller archetype. Be ready for surprises along the way as you pack your bags, imaginary or real, for the next full moon cycle. Trust your inner fire as you follow the Goddess star.

Meditation with the Dragon Goddess

Try this meditation with the Dragon Goddess.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Look at the image of the red-haired Goddess and how comfortable she is sitting on the Dragon’s back. Her star-staff is lighting your way to both the known and the unknown. Observe how the Goddess and the Dragon are looking at each other. They are communicating in silence. The Dragon’s wisdom is beneficial, very ancient and brings the truth. The Goddess is ready to receive it, and so are you. Notice the fire-body of the Dragon, and how it moves and undulates as you connect with her power.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

Is there a physical activity which you can practice for 15 minutes a day?

How can you re-awaken your soul’s passion?

Additional practice – awakening your internal flame with Citrine

Citrine is an orange coloured quartz radiating warmth, joy and inspiration. It empowers and strengthens body, mind and soul, and brings abundance and prosperity. Citrine has a warming energy and it awakens positivity and reminds us to enjoy the process of life. It has a cleansing effect on all chakras and can be used to infuse a spark into areas of stagnated energy. If you are feeling stuck, citrine will release the blocks and push you forward. Citrine attracts new opportunities and particularly those where your hidden talents will emerge and where you can make a change, for yourself and also for the world.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the Citrine on your root chakra. Feel how the warming orange colour is balancing your root chakra. Then sense how the Citrine energy is travelling down to your knees, feet, toes and connecting to Mother Earth. Feel how the orange colour is travelling upwards from the root to the sacral chakra, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and the crown chakra. Sense how the joyous vibration of Citrine is electrifying your whole body and connecting all your chakras, creating a stream of positivity. Stay in the sacred energy of Citrine and feel how your inner flame is awakening your inner spirit. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Citrine and its’ healing gift. You can repeat this practice anytime you wish to awaken your inner flame and feel more joy in body, soul and mind.
