Full Moon in Leo 8/9 February 2020 – by Flavia

The powerful image of The Traveller is brought into light by the Full Moon in Leo in what is turning out to be a challenging year already. It is a reminder that Jupiter, the God of Olympian Gods, and protector of foreigners and foreign or remote peoples and places, is still very powerful, even in the contracting sign of Capricorn. While we are all travelling through the cerebral landscape of Aquarius in February, now it is time to talk about the heart. As ruled by the Sun and under the sign of Leo, this full moon represents everything that is joyful, elevating, creative, fulfilling and more.

With The Traveller we are welcoming the opportunity for travel and knowledge that brings happiness and overall goodness. We will be welcoming a journey either within or without, but the effects will be no less transformative as a light will shine on the self through emphasis on the wider community. It all sounds rather contradictory. And indeed, it will be time for ample contradiction as travelling is never a monolithic experience. There will be the need to merge with the environment, with our history and with larger groups of people from the present, the past, and even our future.

Because of the influence of both the sun and the moon in the authentic and highly personal signs of Leo and Aquarius, it will be the road less travelled. It will be a grand journey of curiosity, covering a lot of distance and it will also be the culmination of having already travelled a long way to get where we are at. It is advisable to travel light, shed weight and everything that does not benefit us or our environment, or work towards getting rid of preconceived ideas that are detrimental to our well-being. Eventually and unavoidably, they will be challenged by reality and that could involve pain. But on a positive note it could be a joyful full moon in many ways, especially, if we are willing to open our hearts to the world. Travelling, also a theme traditionally associated with learning, could be arriving to teach some tough lessons in order to purge us from overloaded negative or malign misconceptions and delusional thinking.
