Monthly Archives: December 2019

Moon Musings by Flavia – 27 December 2019

The Angel of Serenity is an Angel of Creation. We are at the moment of a powerful solar eclipse and standing between two eclipses. A solar eclipse in Capricorn and a lunar eclipse in Cancer, happening in January. They are concluding a series of eclipses we have been dealing with the last couple of years. So it’s time to wrap up and bring a culmination to a point. At this stage of structures collapsing and others starting to being built, we have to stay centered amid the chaos, calm and serene. We have the strength within ourselves to resolve problems and find solutions to conflict. Serenity is this angel’s gift as a personal resource to us. The next six months will be eventful and dynamic, so it’s crucial that we start the new moon and enter the new year primarily secure in ourselves, and that we remain calm, peaceful and kind. This is the way to creating something better than what was there before, something better for us and others. With the gift of serenity we have the opportunity to be fruitful in our lives. Our angel guides are protecting and blessing us with serenity.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 25 December 2019

This week, the last of 2019, we encounter the Archangels Haniel, Metatron and Orion from the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray. Haniel, the Grace of God, with turquoise wings and white-blue hair, holds a turquoise lotus, offering it to you as a confirmation of your sensitivity. She reminds you of the need to pay attention to your feelings and to be honest about them. Metatron, the throne next to God, is radiating light from his hands in prayer position. He is bringing a message of clearing, saying that now is a dynamic time to sweep away any stuck energy which may weigh you down. Clutter clearing of material excess is needed, perhaps by gifting, which creates space for the new to arrive. Finally, Orion, the Archangel of Cosmos, a handsome dark blue vision embellished with shining stars, is reminding you of the mastery of manifestation and your own skills to call in and receive that which you desire. He reassures us that miracles happen magically, and when we wish upon a star, it is already reality.

The combined message of the three Archangels is one of honesty, when we tap into our true feelings we know how to proceed and we also enable ourselves to be ready to receive the miracles which we have prayed for. Ceremonial work of acceptance, cleansing and receptivity with symbols, sound and meditation is consolidating the energy of the Archangels and what they wish us to know and act upon.

With the new moon in Capricorn and the Solar Eclipse, we may receive a universal request that we are ready to fully inspect our soul and its’ purpose in this life time. Use this precious cosmic timing to investigate your path and how you can further that which you already know to broaden the full spectrum of your own wisdom.

Meditation with Haniel, Metatron and Orion

Try this meditation with Haniel, Metatron and Orion.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the three cards. Note which card draws you in more than the others. Observe how the Archangel who called you is focused on their mission, which they want to support you with. Stay connected to their presence and energy, gaze onto their image and receive the message and/or symbol you have waited for.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions:

What can you do to evolve spiritually on your journey on Mother Earth?

Is there a practice you can set up to deepen the connection you have with your soul?

Additional practice – soul journey with black obsidian

Obsidian is a spectacular shining volcanic glass formed when lava cools down rapidly. It has minimal crystal growth and an amorphous structure which makes it the perfect crystal for exploring the soul. Obsidian has an energy of no boundaries and it can access unexplored depths of our inner selves. It also has a deep cleansing and protective quality. In pre-Columbian Central America, obsidian blades were used as surgical instruments due to their extremely sharp edges and the shiny surface of Obsidian provided excellent scrying tools in the shape of circular mirrors. Because of its’ fluid energy, obsidian helps to access spirit guides and provides support to those who undertake shamanic journey work. It can make us encounter our shadow sides in a positive manner and helps us to realise the importance of our soul’s growth.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the Obsidian on your Hara point (or Tan Tien), which is located below your navel, above your sacral chakra, this is the gate to your soul and life purpose. Imagine how the earthy and sensual black colour is balancing your Hara point and flowing down to your sacral, root and knee chakras, down to your feet, toes and connecting to Mother Earth. Then sense how the Obsidian energy is travelling upwards through your solar plexus, throat, third eye and crown chakras and beyond to your soul star. Sense how the vibration of Obsidian is connecting all your chakras and energetic pathways in your whole body. Stay in the sacred energy of the Obsidian and feel how your soul is connecting to your whole being, and beyond. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Obsidian and its’ healing gift.

You can repeat this practice when you wish to cleanse your body, mind and soul and connect to your soul’s mystery and discover it’s purpose.


Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 9 December 2019

The Soma Goddess from The Mystic Sisters deck by Emily Balivet comes forward as our guide this week. Beautifully illustrated, the serene Soma Goddess is standing among three impressive red and white striped mushrooms. The ground beneath her and the horizon behind her are patterned with flowers. She rests her head to her left side, as if in a dream state, perhaps in deep meditation and/or in an exhilarating state in the psychedelic landscape.

Soma is a Vedic Sanskrit word meaning distil, extract, or sprinkle, and it is used in the context of rituals. In Vedic times, soma refers to a hallucinogenic or intoxicating liquid, made from a plant or fungus, consumed during ceremony and offered to the Gods. Soma is also used to describe the nectar secreted from the pineal gland during deep states of meditation. In yoga, soma refers to the crown chakra, opened by yogic insight, to release bliss throughout the body.

The message of the Soma Goddess is one of wholeness, integrity and being centred. She wants us to know that we are fully part of this world and all of its’ experiences. Every step on our journey is a path of growth and during this we remain whole, even if we may not feel as such. Wholeness is our birthright and knowing this gives us peace. You are exactly where you are meant to be at this moment.

With the full moon in Gemini arriving on Thursday, 12 December, we are reminded to integrate our two sides, the male and the female, the dark and the light, the receptive and the giving. The Soma Goddess knows how to flow between the wet and the dry, the solar and the lunar, the active and the passive. She utilises the knowledge through her body and soul to achieve wholeness and integration. Be alert and observe how you can utilise your own twin energetic supplies of female and male to navigate through the awakenings the full moon brings.

Meditation with the Soma Goddess

Try this meditation with the Soma Goddess and notice any messages you receive.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the card. Observe how the Soma Goddess remains tranquil in her standing pose, resting her head to her left. The stunning large mushrooms create a psychedelic effect and transport you into another dimension. The flowery ground and horizon attribute a sensual aura to your journey. Be still and enjoy.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

Are you balanced in your female and male energies?

How can you step through the barriers of either energy consuming your actions?

Additional practice – healing your heart with Mangano Calcite

Mangano Calcite is a calming and gently grounding opaque stone, a calcium carbonate, rich in manganese, which creates its’ beautiful pale pink colour. Mangano Calcite will help you to understand and unfold your heart’s desires. It will heal any on-going negative patterns in your ancestral feminine lineage and releases these by bringing a feeling of safety and grandmotherly comfort. Mangano Calcite connects the higher heart to the heart chakra and increases our awareness of spiritual love and self-love. It helps you to fully accept yourself as you are. Mangano Calcite brings love and compassion into you life and it will strengthen any area of your life where love is lacking.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the Mangano Calcite between your higher heart and your heart chakra. Imagine how the pale pink colour is calming your higher heart and your heart chakra, providing nourishment for this area. Sense how the lovely pale pink energy is spreading down your solar plexus, sacral, root and knee chakras, down to your feet and toes, connecting you to Mother Earth. Feel how the Mangano Calcite energy is travelling upwards through your throat, third eye, crown chakra and beyond, to your soul star. Sense how the vibration of Mangano Calcite is creating a loving feeling in your whole body. Stay in the comforting energy of Mangano Calcite and feel how your heart chakras are opening to a greater sense of belonging. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Mangano Calcite and its’ healing gift.

You can repeat this practice when you wish to ground and heal anything that is on your heart’s mind. It will bring you a feeling of wholeness and peace.


Monthly Muses by Flavia – December 2019

Different deck of cards from November’s reading – same 4 of Pentacles appears. If anything, this feels even more sinister. The last week of November was full of activity and pleasure, almost indulgent, and yet by the end of the month the energies quickly change. December finds us, indeed, fearful and small, clutching our material possessions and holding on to our wealth for dear life. Because of it we are diminished figures. And all things that make life beautiful are missing too. It certainly predicts a time of anxiety where our lower urges of attachment to materiality and earthly goods jump in, robbing us of our potential to participate in something greater, something aligned with our authentic self and a wider good. It is an irony. What we are holding on to is itself depriving and restrictive. Bitter, looking angry, static, immobile and trapped in a small place by our inability to let go objects of wealth, while a wonderful world is all around us, is frontal and direct.

The stability that the number four represents here transmits a sense of being bound with ending, malignant feelings, negativity, corruption, of a sense of lack of proportion to things having outlived their purpose. All around blue skies and beautiful buildings. A small flag flying in the breeze. But we sit in an energy of grey and heaviness, crushed by our own gold. Happily, this is not terminal. It is incumbent upon us all to turn this situation around. We can do this by tapping into the energy of the Fool. The cards presenting both the challenges and the solutions to our situation. Optimism, a dose of naivete, a bit of risk taking, a sense of youthfulness and curiosity, an all encompassing desire for experiences and learning out in the world will be our guide.

By comparison to the 4 of Coins/Pentacles, the Fool is hardly carrying any possessions, but he/she is traveling light with a smile and with a jolly and faithful companion. Mountains in the distant and rivers flowing, the elements of air, water, and earth exude health and freshness. In tune with artistic flavor. Butterflies are all around. Even his/her clothes are full of color and uplifting patterns. There is no holding back in confidence or aesthetics. This attitude is very important because December promises to be the month of the unknown and shifting energies. So how we approach our more intimate and the wider world can change everything. And there is an urgency about it. We might need to lose something in order to gain something more valuable. We might need to completely transform our persona in search of truth.

One way or another this slightly unassuming persona will give us the power to become the King of Swords. A card representing a conscious and upright person. A person of power, strong mentally and physically, ready to defend. Here in this deck, the King of Swords stands amide clouds, dark skies, birds flying, fields and mountains. Clearly a wintry outdoors setting. He’s dressed beautifully in blue, wearing a warrior’s helmet with feathers and in a cape of stars symbolic of his positive and intuitive character. A mature person of higher consciousness, open to communication. Open and decisive at the same time. He feels confident in self knowledge from within.

December foretells entering a much more serious epoch. A season that we are going to be called to duty in some way, and where we need to stand solid. The openness of the fool can transform a miserly to an exulted person of merit. It is a lesson in how our perception, our mental disposition and attitude can, and will make all the difference. December 2019, will conclude a highly transformative year. A brooding year. We will need to have distance to judge situations clearly and objectively, without being aloof or cold. Ultimately, we can enter the new year as more conscious and empowered self, human and caring, but ready for challenges. Now we have to take charge.
