Weekly Wisdom by Mirasol – 27 October 2019

This week we will look at card number 54 from the Iris Oracle Deck by Mary Elizabeth Evans. The card has an open green hand with a blue keyhole in it, and there are two different keys below the hand. Seven stars form an arch above the hand and the all-seeing eye is looking out from above the stars. The background is a heart-felt pink.

This card signifies that you might have felt lost for a while and feeling like you can not find the solution to your issues. The card asks you to hold off any big decisions until you have found peace of mind, when this occurs you will be handed the keys and the answers you are seeking for your next move.

With the new moon in Scorpio, we may feel that secrets have been withheld from us, or alternatively, we may have been keeping secrets from others. Personal integrity, feeling safe and forging boundaries from people whose presence cause energy leakage are topics heightened during this new moon cycle. Scorpio is tenacious and will be rewarded richly after her patience has taken her far, but she also needs rest and nurture. Being the occult sign of the Zodiac, use this Scorpio new moon to quietly connect with your true self, meditate in a darkened room and cocoon yourself inside your soul to stabilise and recharge.

Meditation with the card

Try this meditation with the card and take note of the message for you.

Sit down in a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus on the image of the card. Feel the radiance of the seven stars comforting your aura. Let the all-seeing eye reveal your very own secrets to yourself. Observe the open hand and the keyhole. Which key will fit with your personal quest? Let the answers flood through you, but do not let anything stick for now.

Stay in meditation for 5 to 10 minutes.

After the meditation, journal about the below questions.

What would your two keys represent?

How can you unlock your potential – or is there a need to do so at the moment?

You might want to unlock a completely new potential which is personal and secretive and not make any decisions until you feel completely certain of the answer.

Additional practice – calling in strength with Bumblebee Jasper

Bumblebee Jasper is a beautiful yellow, black and white coloured stone, formed by volcanic matter, anhydrite and hematite, and also sulphur and arsenic. The patterns are reminiscent of that of a bee, giving the stone its’ name Bumblebee Jasper. Since it is volcanic, Bumblebee Jasper has powerful earth energy which vitalises our body, mind and soul when we feel depleted and tired. It can be used on the sacral and solar plexus chakras to stimulate and release stuck and old energy we no longer need.

Bumblebee Jasper increases self-esteem and helps to accept change and to find new opportunities. It will enable you to get answers and a clear vision of what to do next, it initiates and organises a practical plan for changing your life around. Bumblebee Jasper will help you to make decisions without relying too much on emotions. Physically, Bumblebee Jasper may help with allergies, issues of the abdomen and disorders of the nervous and circulatory system.

It is also known as Eclipse stone and Fumarolic or Fumarole Jasper. The yellow colour is due to the presence of sulphur and arsenic so it is not suitable for gem elixirs. Always wash your hands after using Bumblebee Jasper.

For the healing ceremony, lie down in a comfortable place. Place the Bumblebee Jasper on your solar plexus. Imagine how the beautiful yellow colour is strengthening your whole abdomen. Sense how the yellow colour is spreading all over your body, all the way down the feet and toes, and then all the way up to your crown chakra at the top of your head. Feel how the yellow energy is creating a powerful and awakening vibration in your whole being. Stay in the supportive energy of Bumblebee Jasper and feel how your body, mind and soul are united. Note any messages you receive at this point.

Take a deep breath and say thank you to Bumblebee Jasper and its’ healing gift.

Repeat this practice as often as you wish to strengthen yourself and to find encouragement in your daily life.
