Monthly Muses by Flavia – October 2019

The appearance of the Moon still refers to events that happened during the cosmic shake up in September. October continues to deliver dreams and imagination that have been so potent during the Pisces full moon of last month.

So the Moon which – lets not forget – moves quickly, governs events and our deepest need, is a strong indicator of mysterious happenings. Changing circumstances, seeing things under cover with all of our senses alerted, and an enhanced perception beyond the visual, are indicated with this card and its’ representation of the new moon in Libra.

It is also a caution, maybe not of mistrust, but of awareness. It is telling us not to take events, people and actions at face value. There will be misleading factors coming from our environment and from within. Things we’d like to believe, illusions and stories made up in our heads, people we idolize. Measured escapism can be inspiring, daydreaming is healing, and connecting with transcended beings is enriching. But a balance must be struck nonetheless, or we will fly away with ourselves. And we may be lost in others too.

A revelation or an insight will shake us and this could be something mental or spiritual that will bring a total collapse. What seemed solid, embedded, rooted, and secure, will be now be shaken by something akin to a lightning bolt from the universe. What is light and mobile will fly away. Something new is waiting to take its’ place. But it’s not clear what as yet. Change is inescapable. Illusions or false beliefs will not help. Truth will be destructive. A period of chaos, or a sense of chaos, is forewarned. This month is starting to look like a make or break time. What starts off as fear, anxiety or delusion, develops to an actual break-up.

The cards contain their own advice to see us through disturbing circumstances and that is to trust our inner self. Trust your intuition. Your eyes might deceive you but your core values will not let you down. But we need to go through it to come out of it. And that’s a big lesson. Ultimately, there will be a promise of opportunity. There will be growth and a potential to find ourselves in a much better place than where we were before.

The Ace of Wands is a card of achievement and passion. New projects will replace old structures. Creative energy will replace passive illusion. Belief in the cosmic plan and action to follow through our dreams will lead to triumph. But a lot of work is waiting ahead of us to materialize any of it. It’s looking to be a surprisingly intricate and eventful month full of initiations, passions and disruptions. Most of all be present, and make the best of it.
