Summer’s end

Summer is wrapping up as August is coming to a close. Leo season has kept the energy of high summer with intensity and ‎gave us drama, extremes of passions and bursts of luxury. We also felt dignity in hardship and pride in any unexpected challenges. We’ve come out the other side better than we went in. We’ve come out with more creative ideas, more self-awareness and more confidence. Now we need to summon our strength and our abilities a calmness inside and out permeates.

A mass of planets are moving into Virgo. By the beginning of September all quick moving planets would have located there. And on Saturday 31st, both luminaries, the Sun and Moon, will give extra power‎ to all things Virgo. An analytical approach, a sense of organisation and order, as well as service and everyday pleasures in clearing out old stock will replace our desire for entertainment and games. Self-realisation looks different as we prepare ourselves for the change of season. A melancholy peplos will cover our moods. We’re becoming practical and mastery. The Sun is still high in the sky. So let’s go outside and let’s get to work.
