Full Moon Wisdom by Flavia – 15 August 2019

The full moon in August is a full moon in Aquarius. ‎She invites us to release all barriers to complete our creative projects, publications, plans, and engage with others. We can ask for help or just another opinion. An extra set of eyes can offer a different perspective or might help us suggest something that will reveal answers and solutions – sometimes obvious and sometimes hidden. In any case, it points us to open up to others and join groups of like-minded people. Barriers to participate in the community, teams or organisations will be blown away. As we stand still under the Sun in Leo, these are projects, goals and inventions that come from the heart. Friends and relatives are part of our special path in life. Forward movement will happen with the assistance of others who divinely have turned up for our benefit. Accept the editor’s input and be grateful. It will be a happy surprise.
